By Alison Gendar and Helen Kennedy for the NY Daily News

RIVERDALE, NY — The FBI busted a homegrown terror cell late Wednesday night as the men sneaked around a Jewish temple in Riverdale planting what they thought were packages of C-4 explosives, sources told the Daily News.

The four men also allegedly had what they believed was a working Stinger missile in their car: officials said they wanted to shoot down a plane near Stewart Air National Guard Base.

FBI Arrest Terrorist in Plot to Car Bomb Bronx Shul

By Alison Gendar and Helen Kennedy for the NY Daily News

RIVERDALE, NY — The FBI busted a homegrown terror cell late Wednesday night as the men sneaked around a Jewish temple in Riverdale planting what they thought were packages of C-4 explosives, sources told the Daily News.

The four men also allegedly had what they believed was a working Stinger missile in their car: officials said they wanted to shoot down a plane near Stewart Air National Guard Base.

Sources said the four men were arrested after a year long investigation that began when an informant connected to a mosque in Newburg said some militants wanted to buy eplosives.

FBI agents posing as militants sold them what they thought were C-4 and a plane-downing Stinger missile.

The weaponry was all phony.

The men were arrested as they planted fake bombs in front of the Riverdale Temple in the Bronx and under cars parked in front of the synagogue.

They also allegedly planned to blow up a nearby Jewish Community Center.

Witnesses said an NYPD vehicle blocked a black SUV outside the temple and then officers broke in the windows and handcuffed the four men inside the car.

All four men were US-born.

Arrested was alleged ringleader James Cromitie of Newburgh, the son of an Afghan immigrant and his wife.

Cromitie served a long stretch in prison in the past.

Alleged henchment David Williams, Onta Williams and Leguerre Payen were busted with him.

Sources said the three were jailhouse converts to Islam.

“This shows the real risks we face from homegrown terror and jailhouse converts, and the need for constant vigilance,” said Rep. Pete King (R-NY).

The four alleged terrorists are expected to be arraigned Thursday in White Plains federal court.


  • just me

    very scary. just remember hashem rules the world. even those with bad intentions cant carry them out unless it’s in hashem’s plan.

  • yitz

    Maybe it is time wer start respecting Shuls and not talk in them.Just Daven

  • yid

    To “just me”:
    that was so true and beautiful what you said. thank you for reminding us of this. Al tirah mipachad pisom….ki imanu ke-l!

  • Dylan Roadie

    You all scare me. And worry me just as much as the idiots trying to bomb the temples and places of gathering.

    No one can save us but ourselves.

  • to just me and Dylan roadie

    Dear ”just me“ and ”Dylan Roadie“,
    You’re both right!
    Hashem’s in charge, AND we all need to do teshuvah, tefillah, tzedaka (and the other mitzvos) in order to:
    1) Make a suitable keili for Hashem’s brachos, AND
    2) Soften the severity of any severe decrees (C”V”S).

  • Boruch N. Hoffinger

    Dearest U.S. F.B.I. – GREAT WORK!
    Too bad there’s no death penalty.
    May G-d bless the F.B.I.
    I’m a Kohaine so my brocho ‘sticks.’

  • Friend

    This is the Shul that fired Shniur Baumgarten b/c he didn’t want to sing Hatikva “per the Rebbie”

  • Grammer

    Ok interesting article but shouldn’t it be snuck? not sneaked??

  • Ahavas Yisroel.

    Dear “Friend”,

    Please don’t even imagine that you can explain a situation like this. And don’t blame a other yidden.

    If they have done something wrong, pray that they do Tshuva and keep it to yourself. If not, what are you “outing” them for?

    May G-d watch over, and bless us all with the coming of Moshiach speedily.

  • Huh Nothing

    Dear Huh
    Please keep your simple minded racist thoughts off this website.
    The President of the United States deserves respect wheither you like him or not.
    If you think that there is a corelation between him and three of those accused because of some shared ethnicity, than you are engageing in the kind of racism that led to the Shoah and other attrocities.
    What do you have to say about Madoff, huh?

  • I

    To “to just me and Dylen.”

    while you make your point, you are still wrong along with Dylen.

    Only G-d runs the show and nobody else. The rest is technical details.

    Sure, we have to make a Keili, vechulu vechulu and man has free choice etc etc but when someone says that its all up to man it is a duty to respond that he is wrong. It is all up to G-d, PERIOD.

    Don’t be like those who always seek out solutions cause they cant bear conflict. You have to take sides. I take G-d’s side.

  • waa

    jj I forgot where in the post saw it and don’t have the time to look it up.

    so you win.