JERUSALEM [JTA] — Somali pirates attacked a ship belonging to an Israeli freight company.

The ship, which was flying the Maltese flag, did not have any Israeli crew members on board when it was attacked Saturday afternoon, according to reports.

Pirates Attack Israeli Freight Ship

JERUSALEM [JTA] — Somali pirates attacked a ship belonging to an Israeli freight company.

The ship, which was flying the Maltese flag, did not have any Israeli crew members on board when it was attacked Saturday afternoon, according to reports.

The pirates opened fire on the Zim Shipping Services ship while chasing it in speed boats several hundred miles from the African shore.

A British fighter jet reported the incident.


  • room 405!!!!!

    i thought that pirats were only olden days or like a fictoin i cant believe that really happened!

  • mosh

    now they have much more advanced weaponry which is a much bigger hing to worry about

  • menachem wolf

    pirates have always been around, its just the add ons, aren’t true!

  • pirates?

    do they still fight with the cannons and round swords with revolvers?

  • nah

    what the matter with you first four. your mamash living in the fantacy land of american soil. really? there are terrorists? nah, common, they are such nice poeple i even have a couple of freinds from ramalah and terahn. waht nuclear what bomb. what pirates, what speed boat militia using machine guns lurking in the gulf of every land around the indian ocean. we live in la la land so we dont know that half the globe consists of germany in 1938. so, yes there are pirats in 2009. every sail boat owner knows his safe zones in the south pacific and indian. safe jurney.

  • Jack english

    you should know that there are alot of this going on all the time its just that you lot have heard about it now because its an israeli boat only today a bost was taken and held by pirats it happend to be an english owend boat you guys should try looking,listning,reading, world and internationl news for a change

  • Cheks

    unless you guys are living under a rock, you would hear on the news in the past 15 months or so that off the African Shore – namely Somalia, there have been quieta few pirates who take over cargo ships, and extort Millions of dollars.

    the artical said that although the shiping companiy ZIM is Israely the crew members were NOT Israely.

    As for everyone else who live in a small bubble called crown heigts, the reason why the Navy was originally established to police the sea from Muslim Pirates.
    for more information, visit and search word pirate.