US State Department Wipes the Palestinian Authority From Its Website


The US State Department appears to have removed the Palestinian Authority from its list of Middle Eastern “Countries and Areas” on its website.

The list of countries and areas includes Israel, Jordan and Egypt, but the term Palestinian Authority or Palestinian Territories is now conspicuously absent from the site, although it still appears in the archived content.

The US does not officially recognize Palestine as an individual state and as a consequence it does not have any diplomatic or consular relations with the PA.

The PA itself has maintained a policy of non-cooperation with the Trump administration in recent years. PA leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly vilified US President Donald Trump in his public addresses, both in English and in Arabic, as well as constantly rejecting the efforts of the Trump administration to set forth its Middle East peace plan, irrespective of the possible benefits of the plan for the Palestinian nation.

Abbas has also announced that the PA will no longer adhere to the Oslo Accords and will continue its illegal construction in Area C, which is designated according to the Oslo accords as territory that is under complete Israeli administrative and security control.

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