2 Dead, 2 Wounded in Jerusalem Stabbing Attack
Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, 41, and Aharon Banita Bennett, 21, were murdered in a brutal terror attack near the Lion’s Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City on Saturday night, shortly after the end of Shabbos. Bennett’s wife and 2-year-old child were wounded.
The attack began when an Arab man approached a Jewish family on their way to prayers, at which point he drew a large knife and began stabbing. The attacker then snatched a pistol from one of his victims and began firing towards tourists.
Police and border police forces ran towards the scene immediately, and were immediately confronted by the terrorist who opened fire on security personal. They returned fire, instantly killing the terrorist.
The two wounded was the wife and their 2-year-old child of the 21-year-old victim.
there’s only one thing I could say we want Moshaich now
DeClasse' Intellectual
Until the Israeli government stops being afraid not being politically correct or submitting to the left wing liberalism of Obama and the EU, this will continue!!
Time for a change in policy as had the Rebbe advocated a long time ago.
Unemployed Noachide
Very sad….
It’s time to end the Arab occupation of Israel. Everyone in Gaza and the West Bank should be forced onto a bus and sent to Jordan, where they belong. Then the Muslim structures on the Temple Mount should be torn down and shipped – stone by stone – to Mecca.