A police officer patrols Kingston on foot along side a mother and her child and a Shliach.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – With reports that temperatures will brush with the freezing point, Crown Heights streets are alive and buzzing. Shluchim from around the world began gathering yesterday for the annual International Conference of Shluchim.

Police have stepped up their patrols in order to secure the special guests, commanding office of the 71st Precinct Deputy Inspector Frank Vega told CrownHeights.info. But it wasn’t his word that we had to rely on. One car was posted on Union and Albany and two officers were seen patrolling on foot up and down that Avenue while a number of other foot patrols covered Kingston Avenue.

For the complete ten day weather forecast just scroll down to our weather information, or click the Extended Article!

Cold Weather, Additional Protection and Lots of Warmth!

A police officer patrols Kingston on foot along side a mother and her child and a Shliach.

CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – With reports that temperatures will brush with the freezing point, Crown Heights streets are alive and buzzing. Shluchim from around the world began gathering yesterday for the annual International Conference of Shluchim.

Police have stepped up their patrols in order to secure the special guests, commanding office of the 71st Precinct Deputy Inspector Frank Vega told CrownHeights.info. But it wasn’t his word that we had to rely on. One car was posted on Union and Albany and two officers were seen patrolling on foot up and down that Avenue while a number of other foot patrols covered Kingston Avenue.

For the complete ten day weather forecast just scroll down to our weather information, or click the Extended Article!

Shomrim also increased the number of vehicle patrols from the evening hours throughout the night.

The Weather Channel reports possible rain for Shabbos and temperatures to stay between the mid 40’s to the mid 30’s for most of the conference, yet a peek inside one of the session at Oholei Torah or Shacharis in 770 exudes warmth!


  • Freezing weather

    48 deg is not even near freezing. It will be a chilly but nice weekend. We welcome all the shluchim those who are wearing ties and those who are tie less.

  • safer

    thank you Deputy Inspector Frank Vega for putting police officers on kingston ave today.
    the impact it had was very great! i do wish this can be done each and every day.i felt for the first time in a very long time some what safer on kingston ave today.