CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – Today, Tuesday only, residents can take advantage of a substantial price reduction on the purchase of chickens for Kapores. The normal price is $15 but for today, starting at 2:00pm and going on thru 10:00pm.
This substantial price reduction was done L’zchus Moshe Uri ben Malka. The sale will take place in from of NCFJE at 824 Eastern Parkway. The Shechita will begin on Wednesday and is under the Hechsher of the CHK.
More in the Extended Article.
TODAY ONLY: $2 A Chicken, for Kapores
CROWN HEIGHTS, Brooklyn [CHI] – Today, Tuesday only, residents can take advantage of a substantial price reduction on the purchase of chickens for Kapores. The normal price is $15 but for today, starting at 2:00pm and going on thru 10:00pm.
This substantial price reduction was done L’zchus Moshe Uri ben Malka. The sale will take place in from of NCFJE at 824 Eastern Parkway. The Shechita will begin on Wednesday and is under the Hechsher of the CHK.
More in the Extended Article.
Thursday night, Erev Yom Kippur, chicken will be available starting at 8:00pm and going thru 6:00am, the Shechita will begin at 10:00pm.
This is sponsored by the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education and all proceeds go to Tzedaka. For more information call (718) 735-0200.
boruch hecht
G-d Bless that Moshe Uri Ben Malca!!!
Please do not let anyone take pictures or videos of any kaporos, and if you see anyone, kindly but firmly ask them to stop immediately and ask for valid ID. Then, contact shomrim and the police immediately–PETA is once again taking advantage of our friendliness and ahavas yisroel by having at least one known radical activist underground in Crown Heights posing as a "visitor" so as to later whip up trouble, negative media attention (which the media is all too eager to provide) and efforts to force their bigoted, insane and radical "animal rights" opinions on our community. Keep your eyes open!
that is very nice that they are able to do that !thank you NCFJE
To Mendy:
They (NCFJE or whoever else is responsible for setting up Kaporos) should have people on the lookout for such people. I was on Eastern Pkwy. at about 3:15 and there was a guy videoing everything. He must have videoed the crates of chickens that were sitting on the trucks for about 10 minutes straight, and no one said a thing to him!
I saw a man there with a video camera today talking to the boys who handle the chickens.
thats good
Pass the word around, there are probably a lot of large families who this service will be a boon to.
everyone talks but no one acts, thank you to ncfje for doing something for teh financial situation in CH. Thank you for caring.
reb Noochie
The the Hecht Family in the name of the entire neighborhood YOU GUYS HAVE DONE A GREAT MITZVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you!
it’s the biggest tzeddaka ncfje can do for the community by charging $2 and not $13!!
be careful
great! maybe now that these idiots know they are being watched they will be more carefull with the chickens.
very disapointing no female chickens at 8PM
keep in mind they can come with hidden cameras too and no one will know.
We went at 6:30pm and waited on line only to find out when we got to the front that there were no more female chickens. We were told to come back later because there would be more chickens then, but when we called the number listed they were already sold out.
Does anyone know of any other times that Kappores are not so expensive? I thought this was a great opportunity for the Crown Heights community, and thank Moshe Uri ben Malka – wishing you gezunt and brachos.
thank you so much NCFJE for your consideration of the community’s pocket….
yep, i saw a guy with a video camera today too. no one stopped him. but technically, why is it illegal to take a video in a public space, about a public thing??
Yosef S
Lets keep in mind Peta also has good intentions in that they dont want animals mistreated which is something that the Torah accords as something we as Jews are supposed to do. The fact is that when we do kapparos we are supposed to fell bad that this chicken is going to die because of me. We are supposed to feel for the chicken.
Typical Crown Heights….. This special offer was supposed to last until 10:00 but I got there with my family at 8:00 and guess what…. NO CHICKENS.. WOW!!! How professional. Can’t anything in Crown Heights be done right?!!!!!
Esther D.
And what about if i just want to take a picture of myself doing kapores
Is it still prohibited?
2 and not 15 get that rite
Many families are VERY gratefull for such a Mitzvah Thank you very much, May you always be able to help families in such beautiful way,
thank you and It is a big Zchus for Moshe Uri Ben Malca
gmar chasima tova
On behalf of all the pregnant women, thank you so much!
Yasher Koach to the ones who made this happen.
A great help!!
the biggest thing think they can do is keep the price under 10 bucks so pepole who could make it when it was 2 dollars bu t have big family don go broke doing kappores
thank you
Thanks to whoever sponsored this – it’s a beautiful act of tzedakah for the crown heights community.
There weren’t any chickens left when I went – does anyone know if they’re offering a reduced price again?
In need
So nice to see that someone cares to help those in financial need…i paid $10 for kapporos (a beutiful minhag) instead of $65, that $55 will now go to a pair of shoes for my daughter for yom tov.It shows Shea Hechts article about tuition was out of care and concern for our communities needS, may all the others learn and DO RATHER THEN SPEAK.
ch mom
too bad, they ran out of chickens…
we looked forward to saving some money this year!!!
Shaina R.
Thank you to N.C.F.J.E this year alone you helped our family save over $120 on Kapores now i can have some "extra" money to buy my children some new cloths for yom tov!!!!
Truly Grateful
From what I understand Moshe Uri Ben Malka was the sponsor of the Kaporos and therefore we should all pray for Moshe Uri ben Malka and his family that G-d should fulfill for him and his family whatever he needs.
Many thanks for the helping hand……
Overwhelmed by the Chesed
Standing on Eastern Parkway watching all the large families doing Kapporos was a great feeling. For people in Chinuch and struggling the low price made a big difference. Thanks NCFJE.
poor CHer
no more chickens is what i was told when i came right after 8:00 the chickens were sold out
boruch hashem pepole run to chap the deal.
ya its all very nice 2$ & all up until there are NO MORE CHICKENS & then they promise up more r coming but when they finally do the truck turns out to be a SUV with only 15 chickens when there 50 ppl waiting!! Please dont advertise that thewre will be Kapores when there are no chickens!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you!
To Yosef S.:
I also once thought that PETA had good intentions, and perhaps some of them do, but here’s the fact: PETA is a RADICAL, EXTREMIST "animal rights mafia" that uses intimidation, infiltration, negative press and a holier-than-thou attitude that has an answer for everything, including their complete hypocrisy (see, to force their radical agenda of eradicating the consumption or use of animals in its entirety.
This isn’t about tzaar baalei chayim–that’s something they merely use as a tool to further their radical extremist goals.
Visit for the truth about PETA–and find out why these people are very dangerous and must be stopped.
to judith-
is this the first time crown heights shlogged kaporas be4 erev yom kippur???i bet be4 you were born they did it! why are you saying this now!?!?!?!?!?come on,GET A LIFE!
What did you say??? Can’t understand you…punctuate & spell correctly so we can read your post.
For those, like myself, who stayed until the chickens came — THERE WERE more chickens. Plenty more.
Instead of being so upset – Erev Yom Kippur oif de velt – maybe dan l’kaf z’chus. Maybe disappointment, that I can understand – but the angry pushing horde of people I saw last night made me embarrassed to live side by side with these people in CH.
Thanks to Moshe Uri ben Malka and the NCFJE for arranging ans sponsoring this now affordable Minhag.
I came Just before 8, I was the last one in line to get kapporos for my children.
Although no females I was still happy to save a couple of dollars, Thanks for the great Mitzvah!
Thank you very much for the savings that are going for simchas Yom Tov. Also when a LOT of ppl shlug kapores erev YK a LOT of those chicken get thrown out or given away to goim because there is not enough time to kasher them so the whole mitzva goes where?…
All the brachos and best wishes to Moshe Uri ben Malca and his family.
Former CH-er
Chutzpadige comments like some of the ones here remind me of why I am so happy to be gone from Clown Depths, excuse me, Crown Heights.
The Hechts and their sponsor did something good for toshavei hashechuna, and a loud bunch of 80-tzaddikim have to say something negative. OF COURSE they ran out of chickens at that price – and since it is the first time they did it, they had no way of predicting how many they would need. And every kapporos in CH operates earlier than erev RH – not everyone has time to go according to the Rebbe’s minhag.
Is there still time to shlug some sense into the loudmouth yente laydigayers of CH who do nothing for anyone but criticize everyone?
thank you
Although I personally didn’t benefit from this (I don’t live in NY), I have friends and family that did!
A YOSHER KOACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
out of towner
I grew up in C.H. and from a large family we always used one female chicken for all the girls and one male chicken for the boys. If you don’t have plenty of money why are you using one chicken per child?