Children’s Tylenol and Motrin Hard To Find As Triple Virus Wreacking Havoc in the USA


Just when you think the virus pandemic is behind us, another one crops up. Although this one is significantly less deadly.

A couple of childhood viruses commonly identified to cause the common cold, tagged together with a resurgence of COVID-19 infections, are sweeping through the nation, leaving runny noses, high fevers, and general misery in their wake. They are also causing an unusual complication, a shortage of children’s Tylenol and Children’s Motrin.

The Flu and RSV, both commonly found circulating the population around this time of year, are exceptionally virile this time around, sickening entire schools of children and sending many to the hospital. This increase in sickened children is complicated with the resurgence of COVID-19, although it doesn’t appear to be a particularly deadly strain.

“With the holiday season in full swing and cases of COVID-19, flu, and RSV rising, we are asking New Yorkers to protect themselves and their loved ones once again,” New York City Mayor Eric Adams said in a recent briefing. “Mask up, get tested, get treated if you’re eligible, and, if you haven’t gotten your flu shot or your COVID-19 booster, we encourage you to roll up your sleeve.”

In Passaic, NJ, the viruses are so widespread that the local government has taken the CDC’s advice regarding the local transmission of COVID-19 and announced a reinstating of masks for local schools. The reinstated mandate begins today.

Superintendent of Schools in Passaic, Sandra M. Diodonet, made the announcement in a letter dated December 20th, where she writes “Therefore, effective Wednesday December 21, 2022, all employees, Pre-K through grade 12 students, and visitors are required to wear face coverings in all district facilities, school grounds, and buses.”

A symptom of this sudden spike in respiratory illnesses is the jump in demand for children’s fever and pain relief medication, a staple in the present-day treatment for nearly every childhood illness. That means that there is almost no stock available anywhere.

Gaping holes in what otherwise looks like well stocked pharmacies are greeting desperate parents as they scour local stores for the precious liquid.

“So many kids are sick with RSV, Influenza, Covid & other viruses rn that it’s nearly impossible to find children’s Tylenol or Motrin/any store brand acetaminophen or ibuprofen,” Joanna Schroeder, a mother of three lamented on Twitter. “Went to 6 stores, saw the same moms at the stores all w/kids with high fevers they can’t treat.”

Interestingly, the cause of the shortage appears to be the sudden spike in demand, with no significant logistical challenges marking the low supply, although the general state of logistics at present likely isn’t helping.

The Motrin and Tylenol shortage is coming soon on the heels of two other pediatric medication shortages, liquid Amoxicillin and liquid Prednisolone, both of which appear to have been mostly resolved.