(UPDATED 2:20PM) Fighting In Ukraine Centers Around Kiev As Ukrainian Army Throws Up Stiff Resistance

by CrownHeights.info

Russian President Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine late Wednesday night, and immediately followed it with action. The following is a summary of incidents, numbers and breaking news on the war.

This article will be updated throughout the day as information becomes available.

2:20pm: General Update: Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister Hanna Malyar Numbers update:
Russian forces had suffered the following losses:
Tanks – up to 80
Aircraft – 10
Helicopters – 7
Personnel – 2,800
Armored combat vehicles of different types – 516

Situational Update:

  • US Defense official says Russian military has lost some momentum and is facing more resistance than it expected.
  • UK Prime Minister Johnson says It is now impossible to normalize relations with Russia after the events in Ukraine.
  • For the first time ever, the NATO Response Force has been activated as a defensive measure in response to Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
  • Large convoy of lethal NATO supplies just crossed the border into Ukraine. Poland’s Minister of Defence Mariusz Błaszczak shared this picture.
  • Kyiv mayor says situation is “threatening” with Russian troops close to the capital: “This night, in the morning, will be very difficult”
  • Russia will not be participating in Eurovision Song Contest 2022.
  • NATO Secretary General warns cyber attacks can trigger Article 5.

12:22pm: Chechen special forces are reportedly making their way to Ukraine to hunt down the Ukrainian government officials.

12:21pm: 18,000 rifles distributed to cvilians as the Russian offensive enters Kiev proper.

9:51am: President Zelenskiy says that 137 Ukrainians have been killed and another 316 wounded since the Russian invasion began.

8:59am: General Update:

  • US intelligence officials are concerned Kyiv could fall under Russian control within days.
  • Russian forces have moved to within 20 miles of the capital. But Ukrainian military putting up stiff resistance.
  • U.K. Defence Minister says he estimates that 450 Russian soldiers were killed in first day of fighting.
  • 18,000 assault rifles distributed to residents in Kyiv.
  • Russian FM Lavrov says Moscow would be ready to negotiate with Ukraine once the Ukrainian military lays down its weapons.

8:50am: Bridge near Kyiv blown up to prevent it from being used by Russian forces.

Updates from Thursday 8/24/22

8:40pm: Earlier on today, 13 Ukrainian border guards were killed in the Russian take-over of Snake Island in the Black Sea, near the Romanian border.

3:08pm: At least 57 Ukrainians were killed and 169 injured as a result of Russia’s harsh attacks today. (Health Minister)

1:25pm: General Update:

  • Russian army has seized control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  • UK to ban aeroflot aircraft from landing in UK.
  • The Russian army have seized Antonov’s airport of Hostomel, 20km of Kyiv
  • Biden and G7 leaders have agreed on a package of sanctions and other economic measures

1:18pm: Russia plans to encircle #Kyiv, force the legitimate govt of #Ukraine to flee & install “Vichy Ukranian”puppets

Key to this plan is a large #Russian Airborne Forces operation

We may see an attempt to execute on that operation within a matter of hours #UkraineRussiaConflict

11:54am: Switzerland imposes sanctions against three Russian banks and 361 deputies of the Russian Duma, President of the Swiss Confederation Ignazio Cassis announced.

11:50am: General Update

  • Ukrainian Army calls on reservists and “and all those who can hold weapons” to attack invading Russian forces.
  • Russian Ministry of Defence said it had destroyed 74 Ukrainian above-ground military facilities, including 11 aerodromes.
  • City of Kyiv warns that there is a threat of airstrikes on the city, when hearing sirens go to a bomb shelter.
  • NATO chief says no ‘plans’ to send alliance troops to Ukraine.
  • UK PM calls Putin a ‘dictator’, Ukraine invasion a ‘hideous and barbaric venture’.
  • Israel condemns Russian invasion as breach of world ‘order.
  • Advisor to Ukrainian interior ministry says Russian forces entered Chernobyl and that fighting there destroyed a nuclear waste storage facility.
  • Ukraine’s President Zelensky says that Russia is attempting to capture Chernobyl nuclear plant. He further says “This is a declaration of war on the whole of Europe.”
  • The Mayor of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv announced a curfew from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM.
  • A senior U.S. defense official tells Reuters that assessment is that Russia has every intention of basically decapitating Ukrainian government.
  • US official says that Russia used about 75 aircraft during initial phase of assault on Ukraine.

9:00am: Latest numbers and info:

  • 40 Ukrainian soldiers killed
  • 50 Russian soldiers killed
  • 6 Russian planes shot down by Ukraine
  • UK’s Boris Johnson calls an emergency NATO summit
  • Ukraine cuts diplomatic ties with Russia.

7:00am: Russian Tanks in Khakhova, Ukraine.

5:00am: Israel releases Notice to citizens in Ukraine:

A few hours ago a new and difficult phase began in the war in Ukraine. The airspace in the country was closed and all flights were canceled. The Foreign Ministry calls on Israeli citizens in the country to leave Ukraine immediately to neighboring countries to the west, depending on the security situation. The Foreign Ministry calls on Israeli citizens in Ukraine to follow the reports in the media and to obey the instructions of the local security forces.
Israeli embassies in the area have sent representatives to major border crossings according to the list below.
The following is a list of border crossings where our people will be stationed:
Medyka border crossing to Poland
Vysne Nemescke crossing the border into Slovakia
Zahony border crossing to Hungary
Sighet border crossing to Romania
Later in the day, we will also present an Israeli representative in Moldova at the Planca border crossing

Citizens who need assistance or guidance are invited to contact the State Department’s situation room at 02-52303155
The telephone number of the office in Lvov: + 380935402099
You can also continue to contact the hot lines of the embassy:
3536 770 67 380+
4216 770 67 380+
We call on Israeli citizens who are in Ukraine to register at the following link:

2:00am: Russian strikes are now being reported in Ukraine’s neighbor Moldova, including in the capital city of Chişinău.

1:00am: Footage of Russian paratroopers parachuting down near Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Updates from Wednesday 2/23/22

11:11pm: According to Marco Rubio: Long range missile launches from #Russia are now underway. They are headed towards various pre-selected military sites throughout #Ukraine

10:58pm: NATO responds to Russia Invasion:

I strongly condemn Russia’s reckless and unprovoked attack on Ukraine, which puts at risk countless civilian lives. Once again, despite our repeated warnings and tireless efforts to engage in diplomacy, Russia has chosen the path of aggression against a sovereign and independent country.

This is a grave breach of international law, and a serious threat to Euro-Atlantic security. I call on Russia to cease its military action immediately and respect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. NATO Allies will meet to address the consequences of Russia’s aggressive actions. We stand with the people of Ukraine at this terrible time. NATO will do all it takes to protect and defend all Allies.

10:44pm: According to Marco Rubio, Russia is now working on:

-establishing air superiority via targeted surgical strikes
-a pincer movement to trap Ukrainian forces in the east & cut them off from #Kyiv
-finally attempt to decapitate Ukrainian govt by targeting govt buildings,leaders & command & control systems

-Russia’s airborne forces are attempting to take control of the airport in #Kyiv to they can fly in forces to occupy the capitol city

-An amphibious assault on the key port city of #Mariupol is now underway

-Ground forces now moving in from Belarus,Crimea & from #Russia

10:31pm: US President Biden has released the following statement on the Ukraine invasion:

The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces. President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.

I will be monitoring the situation from the White House this evening and will continue to get regular updates from my national security team. Tomorrow, I will meet with my G7 counterparts in the morning and then speak to the American people to announce the further consequences the United States and our Allies and partners will impose on Russia for this needless act of aggression against Ukraine and global peace and security. We will also coordinate with our NATO Allies to ensure a strong, united response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine.

10:28pm: Reports of Explosions in Kiev.

10:21pm: Ukrainian air defenses engaging targets in Ukrainian airspace.

10:00pm: Breaking: massive explosions just now in Kramatorsk. At least four. Very big.

10:00pm: Putin just spoke live on TV: Announced ‘special operation’ in Donbass, eastern Ukraine. Calls on Ukrainian service members to ‘lay down their arms and go home’. Russia does not plan to “occupy” Ukraine. Russia’s response to outside interference will be terrible:

9:50pm: The airspace above Ukraine is cleared of all civilian aircraft.