Project Veritas Publishes Leaked Documents Showing Information Suppression On Facebook


It’s as many suspected. A new report from Project Veritas has revealed leaked documents allegedly showing an information suppression program within Facebook.

In a video published by Veritas, two people, reported as being insiders in Facebook, speak about their leaking of these documents, and why they felt it was important to do so.

According to these whistleblowers, Facebook has a system that automatically ranks posts and comments made on Facebook, “shadow banning” or reducing the visibility of those that are flagged too low.

An example that is widely written in the leaked documents is of “Vaccine Hesitancy”, where Facebook hides negative comments or posts about the vaccines, even if those posts are factually accurate.

While this may be the first “official” breaking of the story, such tactics were widely believed to be in use by many social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.