Updated: Trump Signs COVID Relief Bill, Allows For Stimulus Checks To The Nation

by CrownHeights.info

According to initial reports, President Trump has signed the $900 Billion COVID-19 Relief Bill that allegedly includes stimulus checks to the nation.

Trump had initially hinted to the good news earlier Sunday, when he tweeted “Good news on Covid Relief Bill. Information to follow!”

It is yet to be discovered what prompted his change in position, or what might have been changed in the bill, after after he signaled a veto of the bill with a demand for $2,000 stimulus checks instead of $600.

The bill, thousands of pages long, includes Billions in aid to foreign countries including Israel and Sudan. The bill was criticized by many lawmakers over it’s bloated spending and little actual relief to US citizens.

Update: According to a statement by the president, he has redlined portions of the bill, but signed the larger bill that provides stimulus to the country and staves off a closure. According to the President, he has sent the bill back to the house to vote on raising the amount given to $2,000 per adult, and $600 per child.