Tips For Security This Holiday Season

The National Crime Victims Survey (NCVS) reports that crime against property such as burglary and theft tend to dramatically increase during the holiday season. The Tactical Rabbi shares 5 actions you can take to help mitigate your chances of becoming another statistic this month.

1 – Try not to leave the discarded boxes of recent purchases in plain view to passerby, as this alerts them to the potentially expensive objects likely to be in your house. By either breaking down the boxes to throw-away or hiding them in your residence, you are taking the first line of defense against any potential burglars scouting out their next hit.

2 – Deterrence is the next best option for the protection of your property, so investing in quality security cameras for indoor and outdoor use will pay dividends for years to come. Around this time of year there are plenty of great deals available worldwide. They don’t have to be pricey or high tech, just reliable and secure such as the Ring© doorbell camera.

3 – Whether or not you own security cameras, having clearly visible signage placed outside your home such as “24 Hour Video Surveillance” can be another deterrence resource against potential burglars.

4 – Avoid posting your daily activities and vacation adventures on social media when away. In doing so, you are telling the world that you aren’t home which identifies your property as an easy target for theft and burglary.

5 – If you are planning to be away for a significant amount of time, it is imperative that you figure out a way to maintain the front of your house. By making sure that the lawn remains cut, the signage mentioned above is not covered in dirt or dust and your windows are clean you give off the appearance to the public that someone is home; which significantly decreases your chances of becoming a burglary target.

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