T.E.A.M. Education in conjunction with their partner accredited universities now allows so much more yeshiva credits to be accepted…in most cases, over 85 Jewish credits!. Their goal is high quality degrees and to reduce the financial burden for earning a B.A., an M.S. Ed, or an M.B.A.

Students Transfer 85+ Yeshiva Credits and Earn an Accredited B.A. at Low Cost with Great Time Savings

By Tzivia Nachmas

T.E.A.M. Education in conjunction with their partner accredited universities now allows so much more yeshiva credits to be accepted…in most cases, over 85 Jewish credits!. Their goal is high quality degrees and to reduce the financial burden for earning a B.A., an M.S. Ed, or an M.B.A.

Every day it becomes more and more important for yeshiva students to have the credentials they need to reach their potential. Earning a degree is essential in today’s world. But it needs to be affordable and past work MUST be recognized. T.E.A.M. offers students the ability to transfer OVER 85 yeshiva credits and earn a Secular B.A. for under $7,400. This is unheard of in the community. Many jobs and opportunities require a B.A. for employment or to move up in current positions.

Additionally, T.E.A.M. has a program that allows students to use their completed Yeshiva B.A. to enter an M.B.A. or M.S. Ed. program with no other prerequisites needed. It is also less than half the cost of any other frum program around. Access leads to opportunity…this is the key. Now Yeshiva Men can enter degree programs using much of what they have already done when they were in Yeshiva. This makes finishing a masters degree much less expensive and easier for busy people.

T.E.A.M. Education saw a need for the best of the best to be affordable to the Jewish community. T.E.A.M. has partnered with universities for over fifteen years to make outstanding, high quality degrees available at very low tuition rates and helped make the use of the Yeshiva credits standard. Students were hungry for programs with solid accreditation, a great reputation and on-the-job training included. From theory to practice is the hallmark of the T.E.A.M. experience. Because of the current situation in the world, these programs can now be done from any location and thus offers great flexibility and personal safety.

The T.E.A.M. educational organization enables people with non-traditional educational backgrounds to qualify for B.A and graduate degrees available in Crown Heights and elsewhere. This includes tracks for: A Master’s in Education (M.S. Ed.) and a Master’s in Business (M.B.A.). The Yeshiva B.A. is fully accepted for entry.

Following its success in facilitating TEAM’s online graduate program, educational leaders invited T.E.A.M. to come to Crown Heights and offer courses for baccalaureate and graduate degrees. This is what some students had to say about the program:

  • יישר כוח !!! My B.A. is done! Thank you TEAM! I cannot believe how supportive and helpful you were during this program for me personally. You helped me turn my Yeshiva credits into an accredited BA and it cost me under $7,400!! It was less than half the other programs I looked at. I have told so many friends and family about this that I feel like I’m an unofficial TEAM and ambassador. I finished in less than a year and am now using my degree to go to graduate school. By transferring 85 yeshiva credits, it saved me so much time and money. THANK YOU!! — Shalom G.
  • This program was a lifesaver, am so pleased to show you my Diploma upon completion of my M.B.A. Degree. This would not have been possible if it was not for the T.E.A.M. program. I am extremely grateful. With Humility and appreciation to Hashem, please use my Diploma to show with determination and effort anyone with a yeshiva B.A. can attain this amazing M.B.A. Thank you so much! — Yonaton
  • At T.E.A.M., the support is understanding and helpful. The Special Education Program is top of the line! Of course, the low tuition lets me afford it comfortably and the separate girls classes they provide is essential, but the quality is (to say the least) far superior, hands on and very informative. You make new friends and have fun as you learn. I plan on moving on to a bigger life and parnassa now that I have graduated. — Rivka N.

B.A candidates who have Smicha from an AARTS accredited school can move directly into a graduate M.B.A. or M.S. Ed program.

For a person wishing to obtain a secular Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) who has a background in yeshiva, seminary, or rabbinical studies, they simply call for a free appointment with a T.E.A.M advisor. The consultation includes a review of the applicant’s transcripts with an assessment of previously granted credits for application toward the undergraduate degree. Typically, about 20-60 credits had been accepted from other programs…But with T.E.A.M., 85 or more credits are accepted from prior yeshiva studies! The process is so simple with no forms or waiting. To graduate, students typically only need about 10 courses for an accredited B.A., saving much time and money. T.E.A.M. advisors help create a roadmap and do all back work of getting 85+ yeshiva credits accepted. The T.E.A.M. advisor is always available for post-consultation support and guidance to lead students to success.

T.E.A.M. Education has, for the last fifteen years, concentrated their efforts on providing yeshiva students an amazing support system and is always there to help with a caring network that pushes students to thrive. Not just concerned with academic work, TEAM is also focused on student’s emotional well-being and family circumstances.
For programs, acceptance, dates, and registration information, students can go to Teacher Education, Assessment & Management’s website at www.GoTeamEd.com or call the T.E.A.M. office at (347) 313-TEAM.