The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot to vote by mail is today, Tuesday June 16th, 2020. Complete instructions for requesting and filling the ballot in extended article.

Today is the Last Day To Request an Absentee Ballot

The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot to vote by mail is today, Tuesday June 16th, 2020.

To request an absentee ballot, Click Here.

The deadline to mail back your completed absentee ballot is June 22nd.

Recived your ballot? Here’s how to fill it out:
1. You should have received a ballot and two envelopes. On the ballot, find the section with the Congressional candidates listed (it’s on the inside of the ballot, at the very top).

2. Fill in the circle for your candidate.

3. Insert the ballot into the smaller envelope. You must sign and date the front of the envelope. (You do not need to fill out the box on the back with all of your voter information).

4. Seal the smaller envelope, and place it inside of the larger, postage paid envelope. Seal that envelope as well, and drop it in the mail before June 22nd!

You can also vote in person if you choose to:

You can vote early through June 21st at select sites or on Election Day, which is June 23rd.

Find your Election Day poll site here: