Intelligence Dossier Confirms Cover-up Allegations Against China


Multiple news sources reported that the “Five Eyes” dossier published by US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand intelligence agencies supported the US administrations accusations that China knowingly hid or destroyed evidence of the coronavirus.

According to the 15-page document, China began censoring COVID-19-related news on search engines and social media on Dec 31, deleting terms such as “SARS variation,” and “Wuhan Seafood market.” The manuscript goes on to state that while the Chinese government asserted pressure on the US, Italy, and others to avoid imposing travel restrictions even as, they, themselves imposed severe restrictions on movement in and out of Wuhan, where the virus originated.

A Fox News report said that as many as 70-75% of the American intelligence community also believed the virus “likely escaped” from a bio lab in the city of Wuhan, “where the naturally-occurring strain was being studied not as a bioweapon but as part of a Chinese effort to show that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than those of the U.S.” Fox said “this would be at odds with claims the outbreak originated at a nearby wet market.”

The report maintains that it took the Chinese government months to admit the full scope of the deadly disease – or that it could be transmitted from other humans until December when it had infected hundreds of thousands world-wide

The SaturdayTelegraph released a report with a timeline of the alleged cover-up. According to the report, on Jan. 5, the Municipal Health Commission in Wuhan ceased providing updates on the amount of new cases for a period of 13 days. On Jan. 10, a leading respiratory specialist at Peking University First Hospital, (who was later revealed to have contracted the virus himself) claimed it was “under control” and mostly a “mild condition.”

The dossier severely criticized the World Health Organization (WHO) for going along with the Chinese cover-up despite” officials in Taiwan [having raised] concerns as early as December 31, [along with] experts in Hong Kong on January 4.” President Trump ceased American funding of WHO last month due to the organizations role in the alleged cover-up.

Last week, Arutz Sheva reported that US President Donald Trump was assessing different retaliatory measures against China in wake of its alleged mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and that sources familiar with the situation were of the opinion that the President had become increasingly convinced that the socialist state was to blame for a misinformation campaign and that a political and economic break with China were in order.