As the holiday of Shavuot approaches Shluchim seem to be taking the opportunity to welcome a new Sefar Torah into their Shuls and Chabad Houses.
Today, Sunday nine of the ten events will be taking place in Chabad Houses in Franklin Lakes, NJ, Allentown, PA, Hollywood, FL, Santa Fe, NM, Camarillo, CA, Plano, TX, Redondo Beach, CA and Plainview, Long Island along with one more dedication here in Crown Heights.
More details in the Extended Article!
UPDATE: Today: TEN Hachnosas Sifrai Torah in the USA
As the holiday of Shavuot approaches Shluchim seem to be taking the opportunity to welcome a new Sefar Torah into their Shuls and Chabad Houses.
Today, Sunday nine of the ten events will be taking place in Chabad Houses in Franklin Lakes, NJ, Allentown, PA, Hollywood, FL, Santa Fe, NM, Camarillo, CA, Plano, TX, Redondo Beach, CA and Plainview, Long Island along with one more dedication here in Crown Heights.
More details in the Extended Article!
Crown Heights, Brooklyn
In Crown Heights the completion of a Safer Torah in memory of Hatomim Chaim Dovid Shlomo Reiber A”H will begin at 10:30am in the parents home on Empire Blvd. where they will complete the last letters of the torah.
The procession will then leave at 12:30pm from the families’ home to Oholei Torah where he was a student, there Hakofos will take place followed by a Seudas Mitzvah.
Franklin Lakes, NJ
In Franklin Lakes, NJ Shluchim Rabbi Chanoch and his wife Mimi Kaplan will welcome a Torah with the participation of their community, a special raffle will take place among those who participate.
Allentown, PA
In Allentown, PA Shluchim Rabbi Yaacov and his wife Miriam Devora Halperin they will complete their Safer Torah.
Hollywood, FL
In Hollywood, FL Shluchim Rabbi Mendy and his wife Nechama Dina Tennenhaus will complete their Safer Torah in the Hollywood Women’s Club from where they will march with the Torah to the Golf and Country club, following which the participant will be treated to a buffet dinner.
Santa Fe, NM
In Santa Fe, NM Rabbi Berel and his wife Devora Leah Levertov will be completing their Chabad Houses Safer torah which they started on Purim.
Camarillo, CA
In Camarillo, CA Rabbi Aryeh and his wife Leah Lang will complete their safer torah then march with it in the streets following Hakafos in the Chabad House.
S. Clemente, CA
In S. Clemente, CA Rabbi Mendel and his wife Tzippy Slavin will be welcoming their very first Torah starting at the Best Western Casablanca Inn followed by a joyous march to the Chabad Center.
Plano, TX
In Plano, TX Rabbi Mendel and his wife Rivka Block will be celebrating the inauguration of their CommUnity Torah with a special guest speaker, Rabbi Yossi Jacobson in the Lang Chabad Center.
Redondo Beach, CA
In Redondo Beach, CA Rabbi Yossi Mintz will be dedicating a Safer Torah at the JCC – Chabad with the opportunity for people to buy rights to write a letter in the Torah.
Plainview, Long Island, NY
The Plainview Synagogue inaugurated a new Safer Torah in memory of the Shuls Rav, Rabbi Gutman Baras A”H who was sent out by the Rebbe to Nassau County, Long Island. The Siyum VeHachnosa took place in the name of R. Guttman and the Congregation.
theres recentyl been 2 hachnosas sefer torah in Sydney, Australia
Cirel Lipskier SEAGATE
What about the one in Plainview, LI in memory of Rabbi Gutman Baras?
Non Crown Heightser
Wow they do things fast in New Mexico.
There is also one in Toronto today at 3. it starts from Rabbi Akiva Wagners house and we will me walking to the Lubavitch Yeshiva, where there will be dancing and refreshments.
Chabad of San Clemente
There is a seventh hachnoses sefer torah. Rabbi Mendel and his wife Tzippy Slavin, Shluchim to San Clemente California are completing their first sefer torah!
ot bochur
the one in ot was very lebedik, all the bochrim were dancing and the m.c. for ata horaisa rocked.
oholei torah chai!!!
There are more Siyums taking place. In Long Island for the memoryof Rabbi Gutman Baras as well.
Dont forget about Texas
There is also one in Plano, TX with Rabbi Block….Rabbbi YY Jacobson the keynote speaker…..
in Redondo Beach
make it 7 – Redondo Beach CA
Cali Shliach
There are more. I know that there is one at Chabad of San Clemente, California by Rabbi and Mrs. Mendel and Tzippy Slavin
There is also another one today in S. Clemente, CA with Rabbi Mendel and Tzippy Slavin. This is their first Sefer Torah!!!!!!!! Mazel Tov!!!!!!
Toronto yeshivah is also having a hachnasas sefer torah today, (sunday)
Great News
This is what I call being on top of the news. I saw on one web site an article about one siyum and on another website a mention of another siyum. But to get news like this – coverage of every siyum sefer Torah in the US is beyond!!
Thank you CHinfo
you take us way beyond Crown Heights!
a californian
San Clemente had a beautiful one!
nemes family
mazel tov to Tzippy and Mendel slavin and mendy and Nechama dina tennenhaus!
There is also one today in Toronto, Canada by Chanoch & Sara Nelken. In memory of Rabbi & Mrs Avrohom Menachem Nelken & some more relatives.
The torah that was dedicated in S. Clemente, CA was partly dedicated in loving memory of Yitzchak and Zelda Nemes OB”M. we should only have simchos
lady from Crown St.
was in Boro Park Today at about 5:30p.m. on 16th ave.
Californian Shliach
S. Clemente, CA had a beutiful Torah dedication, and it was wonderful to see the thriving community joined together for such a beautiful occasion.
theres a hachnosas sefer torah for cheder menachem of la,ca