In recent years Chabad Yeshivos have been the beneficiaries of over 10 million dollars in federal funding. Nearly all the funds are from the Federal Pell Grant Program while the rest came from Federal Work-Study Program and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants.
According to records obtained by, that cover the fiscal years of 2002-2005, “770” has received nearly $6,000,000, Oholei Torah nearly $3,000,000, Morristown nearly $1,300,000 and Ohr Elchonon in Los Angeles just over $800,000.
A full breakdown in the Extended Article
Chabad Yeshivos got over 10 million dollars in federal funding
In recent years Chabad Yeshivos have been the beneficiaries of over 10 million dollars in federal funding. Nearly all the funds are from the Federal Pell Grant Program while the rest came from Federal Work-Study Program and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants.
According to records obtained by, that cover the fiscal years of 2002-2005, “770” has received nearly $6,000,000, Oholei Torah nearly $3,000,000, Morristown nearly $1,300,000 and Ohr Elchonon in Los Angeles just over $800,000.
A full breakdown in the Extended Article
Fiscal Year 2005 – $433,017
Fiscal Year 2004 – $2,160,550
Fiscal Year 2003 – $2,029,957
Fiscal Year 2002 – $1,218,039
Oholei Torah
Fiscal Year 2004 $1,027,473
Fiscal Year 2003 $1,092,873
Fiscal Year 2002 $758,967
Fiscal Year 2005 – $98,630
Fiscal Year 2004 – $454,396
Fiscal Year 2003 – $406,283
Fiscal Year 2002 – $334,212
Ohr Elchonon
Fiscal Year 2005 – $208,705
Fiscal Year 2004 – $334,645
Fiscal Year 2003 – $102,969
Fiscal Year 2002 – $158,955
what an idiotic piece of news!!!
what is the point of publicizing this?
shmais is a moron – but you?
dont you thing ‘nachmans’ comment is pushing it a little
Boruch Shmuel
Isn’t the Pell Grant supposed to go to the student, NOT the school?
Bored on Empire
How can it be that 770 gets so much more then Oholei Torah, what do they (770) do with all the money, when thier teachers are not even paid?)
The real question over here – why is tuition so expensive when the Yeshivas are milking the US Government for all they are worth.
Tuition hikes have reached a point, where people are going to stop having many children, since the costs of tuition (not only school but camps and seminaries) are a burden too much to bear.
ripped off parents
me myself and i
hay bored on empire:
your living up to your name
do you have any idea what it cost 770
oholai torah and in general any moised to run…
uh… NO you dont
Not such a scoop
From just do a search in the top left corner under grants. Not such a scoop.
for starters the 2005 info is not complete as you see the numbers re not fully near the preveois years
and also remember that 770 does have many satelite places vdal
and btw the pell grant doesnt go to the person learning it is a grant to pay for his education
and anyway this information is confusing in sorts you think that the schools get millions and they still need tuition,
yes they do need tuition, but we need better management of these moisdois and better pay for the teachers so we can retain the good ones
we need independent boards for all moisdois charging tuition in the neighborhood
How much does each school get per student??
so if that’s the case, why am I and many others paying so much tuition at OT, which keeps going up year after year after year!
money talks.
if the yeshivos get so much federal money, including Morristown, why is it that when one bochur in Morristown did not give in all his documents for the pell grant, Rabbi Moshe Herson told him not to come back unless he pays up in full, the bochur had no choice but to comply.
where is his Rachmonus when he is swimming in money from hundreds of bochurim that he does not deserve.
enough! time to speak up.
what where each of the yeshivas expences, big numbers sound great but what does it cost to keep it all up??? and why the decline in more recent years!!
C H Res.
well even if the yeshivas get all this money one can understand it cost so much more to run however i do side with most of us why is tuition so high and that b/c yeshivas today’s day don’t bather fundraising or shlep money out of the gevirim in our community the gevirim are the once who support the yeshivas everywhere else only by us lubavitch from all the Chasidim do we have to pay so much b/c the gevirim don’t care to give. hay you have a large family pay for it its not my problem why you have big family’s we take care of our self’s (w/smaller family’s)
the same goes on camp’s where else in the chashdeshe world do they pay so much as if its a business and we know lots of out of town yeshivas are taking so much like many girls seminaries in Israel they pay for the whole school starting from kindergarten i know that as a fact from the inside so the game is shelep as much as you can make parents miserable so the kids will grow up and say am not going to be like my parints and have large family’s
yosi marozov
I agree with the last comment
it cost a lot to run yeshiva,
boruch hashem they receive $ from the Guv.
but on the other hand lubavitch is the only chasidim charging Modern orthodox prices and more…
I hope that dose not destroy us
Product of the system
I’m wondering where this money is going? Add the grants to the $10,000 yeshivas ask for tuition, we “should” have a well functioning system. Fact is, that most teachers are not getting paid, food in most places is at best “satisfactory”, there are no extra curricular programs, no English, so where is the money going?
As a side note:
The Pell grant (FAFSA) only gives money for the first 4-5 years of undergraduate study. This means that a bochur who decides to go to college (NOT that I’m advocating this) will discover that all of the federal money that could help him cover college tuition has been milked out by the Yeshivos. While most bochuring do not end up going to college and don’t mind if the Yeshivos get this money, I doubt that the Yeshivos tell this to the bochurim before having them sign the forms. People have gotten messed up because of this.
There is no doubt that it costs money to run the Yeshivos. However, does this give the right to the hanholos to run their schools like a business?
this is why they charge so much
look how little they got in 2005 – 06/07 was probably less
Total recipients for fiscal year 2005: 1
Federal funding (within this search) for the year : $69,730
Lubavitcher need to learn to be like bobov and make it into the top 10
Top 10 Recipients
Kop Docktar
Is there some connection between this article and the Gutnik v. Motchin fiasco? Maybe there should be!
a bochur
to money talks: it is not Herson thats the problem its sharon the shigtze, she hates the whole world, and the hole reson they cant fire her is b/c she will go stright to the gov’t, if they fire her.
sem girl
i agree with bored..i’m bored too!
Great pice of lashon Horah. I could think of nothing better to do during sfira.
Just wondering ...
what i do not understand in the yeshivas is that miami (i think) and Oholei torah have a complete school from kindergarten until zal, so zal perhaps offsets the rest, my question is aboput 770, morrristown, los angeles, montreal and other Zals who are on their own and do not carry other school divisions.
BTW doesnt Ot have some kind of group of people running the yeshiva now, not just one or two people from the administartion?
What about the girls?
Is Bais Rivkah getting anything? Why only boy’s yeshivos, what about the girls?
It cost between $12,000 and $16,000 for a yeshiva to educate and feed a bochur for a year.
concern parent
why does this have to go public ?dont u think any one can log on to this site ?
webby you should know better not evry thing should be on this blog 4 the whole world to read !!!!!!
when you will have kids there will not be a program left c “v
SRP’S POINT IS WELL TAKEN. When the yeshivos/seminaries use the Pell Grants they should inform students that if they ever want to further their secular education alot of their grant money will no longer be there for them.
People are not informed of this at all.
this grant is only available for college (equivilant) (post HS) wich only the boys yeshivas do (beis rivka ends with HS)
I’m going back to shmais, at least no lashon ha ra there!