Melbourne, Australia — An Ocean Grove footballer has been convicted and fined $1000 for abusing a Jewish businessman.
Magistrate Barbara Cotterell earlier blasted footballer Simon Phillip Christian's “extremely racist” behaviour when he was part of an alleged race hate attack last year.
Footballer fined for ‘Nazi’ insult
Melbourne, Australia — An Ocean Grove footballer has been convicted and fined $1000 for abusing a Jewish businessman.
Magistrate Barbara Cotterell earlier blasted footballer Simon Phillip Christian’s “extremely racist” behaviour when he was part of an alleged race hate attack last year.
Christian chanted “go Nazis” to Menachem Vorchheimer as he walked to a synagogue with his two young children on October 14, a court has heard.
The Melbourne Magistrates Court was told this morning that Mr Vorchheimer was subjected to anti-Semitic abuse coming from the bus filled with Christian’s teammates who had earlier attended the Caulfield Racecourse during the Spring Racing Carnival.
John Sutton, prosecuting, said Mr Vorchheimer had approached the bus and had his two religious hats stolen before he was grabbed.
“As he was being held by the arms, the victim was punched to the face, causing him to suffer an injury to the area around his left eye,” Mr Sutton said.
Christian, 21, of Ocean Grove, told police he had been “caught up in the moment being part of the yelling out the window” and was extremely remorseful for his actions.
“We were all yelling out stuff like ‘nice hat’ and ‘where’s Joesph Gutnick’ and stuff like that,” said Christian, who has agreed to give evidence in future proceedings.
Magistrate Barbara Cotterell found the charge of using insulting words in a public place proven against Christian, an economics student at Deakin University.
Christian’s lawyer, Brian Bourke, said there was nothing about his client’s background that suggested he was racist, having lived in Malawi where he was the only white child.
But Ms Cotterell said the comment was “not a slip”.
In sentencing Christian, Ms Cotterell said that other people should be deterred from behaving in this way in this county.
“We pride ourselves on being tolerant and when episodes of this nature take place they besmirch every one of us,” she said.
She said that the term “Go Nazis” echoed back to one of the most horrific events of the 20th century and using them was difficult to define.
“I find they encouraged and supported other members of the group.”
In reference to the group of men hurling abuse from the bus, she said that “mob mentality” had taken over.
“The group on the bus of which you were a part demonstrated great cowardice by yelling insults from a moving bus.”
Speaking to reporters outside the court after the finding, Mr Vorchheimer said he had a message for the community.
“The message I would like to end ot the wider community is that prejudice of often found on misconceptions of people and who they are,” Mr Vorchheimer said.
“They assume that I’m not Australian, which I am; they assume I’m not part of Aust society, which I believe I am in every regard. People should really take the time to get to know people before pre-judging them.”
Christian’s lawyer, Brian Bourke, however, said his client had no comment.
“He’s got nothing to say. Do you understand me, he’s got nothing to say,” Mr Bourke told reporters.
“He’s got nothing to say – do you understand bloody English?”
Two other Ocean Grove footballers will appear in court over the incident in June.
every jew a .22
What about jail time for beating Rabbi Vorchheimer up? Or wasn’t he convicted of assault?
hope HE gets thrown out of college like those Duke kids were…except they hadn’t attacked the “victim”.
Justice? Yeah, right.