Doctors: Infants Should Sleep in Parents’ Room
From CBS News:
The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling for infants to be kept in their parents’ bedroom at night for six months to a year to reduce the risk of sleep-related death.
The new recommendations say babies should sleep on a separate surface, in a crib or bassinet, and never on something soft.
The guidelines say babies should sleep in the same room as their parents, preferably until they’re a year old. The nation’s most influential pediatricians’ group says it updated its safe-sleep guidance because of studies suggesting that room-sharing reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by as much as 50 percent.
For two decades, the academy has advocated that babies be placed on their backs for sleeping to reduce risks of SIDS. Other recommendations include: avoiding bed-sharing; use of crib bumpers, blankets, pillows and soft toys; using pacifiers; and breastfeeding.
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Alta Bubbie
So next we should stay awake and watch our children breath.
This makes young parents more nervous. Most bedrooms don’t have room for 2 beds and a full crib. Pack n plays and bassinet don’t have a firm mattress for a 5-12 month old child.
We used to be told not to put babies on their backs because they could aspirate if they spit up. Now we have a generation of flat head babies.
Common sense.
Another Bubby
I’m with her
I use a portacrib with a good mattress (not foam)