Melbourne Celebrates Completion of Torah for Leiby

Tzivos Hashem of Melbourne and the local community celebrated the completion of “Leiby’s Torah” in honor of Leiby Kletzky, OBM, a member of Tzivos Hashem who was brutally murdered in Brooklyn last summer.

In the aftermath of the tragic killing, the decision was made in Melbourne to write a Sefer Torah in Leiby’s memory. However unlike most Torah scrolls written, this Torah would be unique: the funds would be raised primarily through children, learning Torah and doing special mitzvahs, and would be used by children on a regular basis.

After the decision was made to write a Sefer Torah that would be housed in the youth Minyan, with blessings from the Kletzky family, preparations were underway. The first letters of the Sefer Torah were inscribed at a special children’s rally on Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av 5772, July 2011. Melbourne’s Jewish youth were extremely enthusiastic to do something positive in the memory of Leiby, and put their heart and soul into making this Torah a reality. B”H through the many hours spent in Learn-o-thons, Mitzvah-thons, and fundraising our youth, with the help of the community have successfully helped to raise the funds necessary to complete the Sefer Torah.

On a recent trip to New York, Rabbi Menachem Lipskier was privileged to visit with the Kletzky family, and show them photos of the campaigns and fundraising events. The Kletzky family was extremely touched to hear that the Melbourne community cared so much and were going to such lengths to honour their son’s memory.

On Sunday, 19 Cheshvan / November 4, the Melbourne community gathered to commemorate the memory of Leiby Kletzky a”h, marked by the dedication of the long awaited new children’s Torah. Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of children, the last letters of the unique Torah were inscribed onto the parchment. The exclusive honours of Hagbeh and Glila were given to the two boys who raised the most money for the Torah.

Along with musical accompaniment, the children marched proudly with special flags and flaming torches. Over 500 men, women and children from the Jewish community participated in the celebration! Many received the honour to hold the extraordinary Torah.

Following the procession, lively childrens’ hakofot began in the Chabad Youth building. Embroidered alef-beis letters on the mantle of the Torah are pictured flying up to heaven, depicting the importance children and the superior effect their prayers have.

The event continued with a gala seudah. The crowd heard from the Rabbi of Yeshivah Centre, Rabbi Telsner, who inspired all present with his words. Rabbi Menachem Lipskier outlined the events leading up to the writing of the Torah and emphasized the tremendous work invested by the youth to turn the Torah from a dream to reality.

As a representative of the children involved in raising money for the Torah, Shmuel Yosef Greenbaum gave a personal account of the incredible devotion of the youth. A highlight of the dinner was the appearance of the Chabad Youth Boys’ Choir, which was grandly applauded by all.

The Siyum Sefer Torah marked the depth of fellow feeling felt by Jews for each other the world over. Transforming darkness to the light of simcha and celebration was a task so appropriate for the powerful youth in Melbourne – who are sure to bring Moshiach now!


  • proud 2 b chabad

    chazakah hi shetamulah ainah chozeres raikah. rabbi menachem lipsker the goodness and energy you project and inspire are the defintion of chabad. you are a true chosid. may you go from strength to strength and project to project. your efforts together with miri will surely hasten the nevuah of higeu zeman geulaschem when anochi anochi hu menachemchem,,

  • moshe emes vetorahso emes

    dear rabbi and rebbitzen kahn your vision and integrity are a dugma chaiya and inspiration to us all. your geulah frame of reference and focus on maintaing sacred standards are a banner heralding the nevuah of higiah zeman geulaschem. mrs. chana lipsker

  • Blessings

    May the words and spirit of that torah guide and protect every child from Chabad.