Why Do Eggs Cost So Much These Days?
Attentive shoppers may have noticed that in recent weeks the price of a carton of eggs has gone up drastically. In fact, over the past month egg prices have nearly doubled, according to Mr. Greens owner Shlomie Klein.
Klein told CrownHeights.info that the price of a carton of eggs went up from $1.31 one month ago to its current price of $2.17. Organic eggs have gone up over a similar time span from $2.30 to $2.90.
The reason for this sudden increase is twofold, according to industry analysts.
The first is surging demand:
“It has never been more popular as a fast-food-restaurant breakfast staple, and its appeal has broadened far beyond the day’s first meal,” writes the AP.
“A lot of it has to do with quick-service restaurants offering breakfast now, and many of them include egg whites and some whole eggs in their breakfasts,” said Maro Ibarburu, associate scientist and business analyst at the Egg Industry Center at Iowa State University.
Eggs have gotten an additional boost from chefs using them in menu items not normally associated with eggs. The website restaurant.com predicted in January that 2014 would be the year of the egg when it surveyed menus across the U.S. and found egg-topped burgers and pizza. Chefs also worked them into salads and stir-fry dishes.
Cold weather drives more egg demand as more families choose a hot breakfast, said Rick Brown, senior vice president at Urner Barry, which provides analysis and information for the protein commodity markets. Egg purchases peak just before the holidays as baking and home cooking boost demand even further, Brown said.
U.S. Department of Agriculture figures showed in a Nov. 17 report that use has grown to 261 eggs per capita, up 4 percent from 250 in 2011. The figure is expected to grow to nearly 266 eggs per capita next year.
The second cause for the surging price is a little-known law recently passed in California, the most populous state in the U.S., requiring that egg-laying chickens be given more room to roam.
Writes the AP:
The demand spike comes as producers are beginning to prepare for the implementation of a new California law that requires chickens to have more space in which to move. Producers selling eggs in the shell to California must comply with the law, which for many means reducing flocks so each chicken has more room. Increasing demand and potentially smaller flocks are helping to drive record prices.
As a result of these factors, egg prices have broken records each day for the past 10 days, according to data released by Urner Barry.
The silver lining of these hefty prices is that egg producers are increasing output at breakneck pace, which in the future should adequately meet demand and bring egg prices back into line.
i just stop buying eggs or buying them much less.
If everybody does the same they’ll have to many of them overstock and the price will go down again.
…and if you stop driving, the price of gas will go down…and if you stop talking the world will become silent.
I’m with you Ch, since one of the factors is demand, the less we buy, they will need to lower the prices.
Totally agree with Ch….vote with your dollars and don’t buy eggs at exorbitant prices….it’s the old supply and demand principle…we stop buying and the prices will come down.
I bought egg substitute. I don’t like it. Maybe I will have to give up eggs, at least for awhile.
get a chicken
that lays eggs.
even though
It’s still the cheapest form of protein out there. If you are comparing to fish, chicken, meat, cheese
Tofu and/or beans are MUCH cheaper!
The price rise cited above is higher then most national averages.
Second, in neighborhoods such as Boro Park, Crown Heights where the population is not mobile via the car and do almost their entire shopping within that neighborhood, the prices tend to be higher as suppliers take advantages of tied down shopping clientele especially since not everyone can run to Costco, Sam’s or Wallmart
empire kosher the most expensive.
well then why is empire kosher still the most expensive 2.59 for eggs.mr green is still 219
Took a double look
Yes, when I went to empire kosher last week I saw it was 2.59 ! I was shocked at the increase! Is this just a temporary increase? Will the price go back down soon?
wait to Pesach time!!!!!!!!!
Things go crazy then Remember the great Romanine Lettuce shortage in most of the country or the great Brisket shortage. Being in the food business, I witnessed that, what is next, only Hashem would know
Cholent Mit Kugel
Remember, CH just had that Challah seminar where hundreds learned how to make them. THAT is why the price is high! More loaves, more eggs! Thanks ladies…
in michigan
i paid $2.65 this week for a dozen eggs. in michigan they are running $2.29-$2.65 depending on the store. (though i just found a sales paper with 10 dozen for $10 – gotta stock up
$4.69 for 18 eggs in upstate new york(warrensburg top store)
Are you serious?
You have nothing better to do then comment on eggs? who even checks the price…
And you commented to? Your point is? Responsible shoppers check prices. Live within your means and don’t use credit.
I do. I need to stretch my budget to make both ends meet. Costco’ price for large eggs increased by $4:00 in a 2 weeks period.
#10 Get real!!!!!!!!!
How soon they forget, not too long ago when they had the egg scandel about the infected batches and massive destruction of eggs, a half case (15 dozen) of eggs at wholesale place doubled in price,( $15. plus to $32 plus) where was the whining then??????
Brain storm!
If the price of eggs goes up, guess where chickens come from?
Soon the price of chickens will sky rocket too!!!
The eggs we eat are not fertilized and laying hens are not the major source for chicken meat. Californians are victimized more than others by the new law which gives egg producers an excuse for gouging prices.
Eli Says,
Excuses, excuses, restaurants always use a lot of eggs, weather in the winter is always cold and none of these factors have ever caused the price of eggs to almost double in a two or three week window.
Of course suppliers are working feverishly to meet supply, at those process wouldn’t you?
I agree with Eli, it’s the grocer’s vendor charging more so he/she has to pass along the increase to the customers, why the vendor has increased his prices, Only HaShem and the vendor know…
I will not buy eggs at a ridiculous price. Costco’s eggs were $12.99 for 5 dozen which is still high. I went to Wal-Mart and they are so much cheaper.
Here is an idea for baking. If a recipe calls for 2 eggs, I use arrowroot powder. 1 Tablespoon arrowroot powder plus 2 TBLS water equals one egg. If you buy arrowroot in a 1 lb bag at a health food store its much cheaper than buying it in the spice section at a grocery store.
Just like california to make life harder on the poor, so hens can live comfortably. This is what happens when dumb people are allowed to vote. Well, poor people get ready to pay a $1 more a carton. But at least you will sleep soundly knowing the hens are living good. My God- HELP US, the world has gone insane!
Well u made my day. Chickens live better then humans. A horror story.
The rise in prices has nothing to do with demand, its that stupid California law. The state is known for its stupidity because stupid liberal democrats run it. They will eventually cause everything to cost more, wait, they already did that. Everything costs more in this state. You know why? Because the liberals need the money to buy votes so they can stay in power. If you can’t figure it out from here, you probably vote democrat.
I don’t believe in torturing every other species for our sake, and I am no Liberal nor a Dumocrat!
I went to target yesterday to buy a carton, $4.99/dozen (organic)! Almost cried when the team member to me they no longer carry the other brands. Unfortunately, I live in California…:/
"laying" off the eggs...for now.
I went to buy eggs, at Costco, yesterday and I use to be able to get the 5 dozen pack for $6.99…sometimes as low as $5.99. Well, yesterday, that same pack was about $15.99. I didn’t buy any. I refuse to pay the price and will only buy eggs when I can find them for a decent price, on sale.
Pinay wrote
Not eating eggs so often may result of more supply, hopefully will bring down the price. Price of gas went down a lot due to over supply. So I can’t complain really. Gas prices is at least low.
rebecca zearing
In San Diego..have a coffeehouse cafe..for case of eggs 15 dozen at Costco or restaurant depot I paid 15.99 a year ago. Sometimes that fluctuated as much as 24.99 once 27.99. February o1 2015 at Costco case if 15 dozen large eggs…hold on to your knickers..$54.19. Amazing.
I live in Southeast Texas. I will not pay these prices for eggs! It’s preposterous! “More room for the chickens to roam” I mean REALLY, who do these people think they”re talking to! Give me an annual cost of living increase, and give me more room to roam, then we can talk!!
I agree with you 100% they aren’t golden eggs.Come on people get real.I don’t need eggs that bad.
I am going to buy eggs. We have many dinners using eggs as the main source of protein. My family loves breakfast for dinner and eggs are still cheaper than meat. Use your egg wisely and your budget will survive. I just wish I lived someplace that I could have my own chickens.
Oh snap
i have been purchasing the 5 dozen egg box from walmart since 2010. The price the was i believe 8.09. Last night i asked my wife to buy the same box on the way home and it was 15 dollars!! Holy chicken!
I just paid $16.99 for dozen at Costco. 8-31-2015.