Daily Mail

New research into human perceptions has discovered that revealing more skin can significantly change the way we think - about both men and women.

Study: Women Who Cover Up Appear Smarter

Daily Mail

New research into human perceptions has discovered that revealing more skin can significantly change the way we think – about both men and women.

If we see someone wearing revealing attire we automatically assume they are less competent.

The findings were revealed in a study by a team of psychologists led by Professor Kurt Gray, from the University of Maryland.

He said: ‘In six studies we show that being dressed in a revealing manner can significantly change the way someone’s intelligence is perceived, and new findings show this is the case for both genders.’

The new research suggests we see others as having two aspects of the mind – called agency and experience.

Agency is the capacity to act, plan and exert self-control, while experience is the capacity to feel pain, pleasure and emotions.

Interestingly, the amount of skin shown can determine if we see another as one of ‘experience’ or ‘agency’.

During the study, men and women who focused on the body regarded that person as ‘experience’ with little capacity to plan and act.

Professor Gray suggested this was because people automatically think of minds and bodies as separate things, even opposites.
The capacity to act is more often tied to the ‘mind’ while experience is linked to the body.

It translated that wearing little clothes in an environment like the office can have a negative impact because it can imply a lack of competence and leadership.

Professor Gray said: ‘Those who are characterised in terms of their bodies are seen as more reactive and emotional, traits that may also serve to work against career advancement.’


  • totally agree

    women who uncover too much- are assumed to be shallow. Women who are covered , you assume have more brain- after all they have at least enough brain to cover up what is private.

  • right on

    I remember the Rebbe talking to the effect “when you expose your knee you are simply saying ”I have no seichel I just have skin to show you”

  • discipline verses passion

    So basically what this article is saying is that a man or woman of agency can have a large family and raise all the kids in a disciplined manner with good values. While a man or woman of experience can have a passionate marriage with lots of love and feelings for one another but the kids will be a disaster.

  • strange

    i am not saying this is not true but this reaserch seems to be about what OTHERS PERCEIVED, about how we as humans SEE OTHERS.
    i am someone who does cover my body but i see no proof in this writing, give me some real work please.
    reread he said….
    “the way someone’s intelligence is ”PERCEIVED“ And ”The new research suggests we SEE OTHERS as having two aspects of the mind – called agency and experience.”

  • Anon

    It’s misleading and sexist to use “women” in the title since the research applies to both genders.

    Link to the source: http://www.scientificameric

    Human perceptions are only that, perceptions and not factual about individuals. Even diamonds start out rough.

  • Everything is in the Torah -nothing new

    The Rebbe’s words were much more profound. The Rebbe said that it is natural to be attracted to skin. So when a women is covered and only her face is showing that is the focal point, so you are attracted to her Siechel whereas if someone exposes other parts of the body we are detracting from the siechel and you are just showing that this is what is important to you. So no surprise that a study finally comes out years later.

  • So True

    The findings in this “study” are amazingly true! The more I think about it, from people in my own environment, the ones who dress modestly are so much more intellectual than the ones who have nothing to show of themselves but skin and body parts best to be left covered. Thanks for posting these findings.

  • a Mom

    To #7. Can you please print the source of your quote from the Rebbe for those interested in sharing it with others. Thank you.