Chabad of Melbourne CBD hosted the first Public Succah in Australia.
A Succah was erected in the City Square, the centre of Melbourne's Business District.

Rabbi Chaim Herzog the Director of Chabad of Melbourne CBD organized a Luncheon for the business people who work in the city. The Luncheon was attended by professional business- men and women working in the city, amongst them were lawyers, accountants, stockbrokers, and engineers, etc.

First Public Sukkah in Australia

Chabad of Melbourne CBD hosted the first Public Succah in Australia.
A Succah was erected in the City Square, the centre of Melbourne’s Business District.

Rabbi Chaim Herzog the Director of Chabad of Melbourne CBD organized a Luncheon for the business people who work in the city. The Luncheon was attended by professional business- men and women working in the city, amongst them were lawyers, accountants, stockbrokers, and engineers, etc.

The Guest of Honor was the Lord Mayor of Melbourne, The Honorable Lord Mayor John So and Guest Business person and major Melbourne Philanthropist Rabbi Joseph Gutnick.

Rabbi Herzog welcomed the guests and invited the Lord Mayor to speak, the Lord Mayor claimed that he had never heard of The Jewish Festival of Tabernacles before Rabbi Herzogs request to have a “Hut” erected in the middle of the City Square, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of people who are here today and next year I will commission Rabbi Herzog to build one ten times bigger than this. Rabbi Gutnick addressed the audience and was astounded by the crowd and the enthusiasm shown for an event of this nature. He was very pleased to be a part of this event and hopes to attend many others put on by Chabad of Melbourne CBD.

Rabbi Herzog concluded the formal proceedings by explaining why we used a Succah and what the four kinds were and thanked everyone for coming.


  • Yankel Todres Melbourne

    Great job, but dont think he can claim the title first public sukkah in australia. Unlike what many people think australia is a developed country with many frum yidden, as a result there are many many sukkahs around the entire city open to the public! downtown in the business district, factories, warehouses, shops etc etc.

  • Yosef Shidler

    Chaim I see Your really Geting things on down in australia!!! Keep up the Rebbes inyanim.