Wednesday afternoon at Mincha in the Darchei Menachem Yeshiva on Eastern Parkway one of the students alerted one of the staff members, CP, to three Black youths hanging out in the schools front yard and eyeing the bikes that were parked there. CP made his way downstairs with a few of the students to ask the youths to leave when one of the students noticed his bike was missing.

Immediately after CP saw one of the youth fleeing on the bike and began chasing after the youth who was fleeing up Kingston then made a right turn onto St. Johns Pl. with CP hot on his trail when he called out to the thief that if he leaves the bike police would not be involved, which is when the youth dropped the bike and continued running on foot yet the pursuit continued with the thief now on foot and the pursuer on the bike.

Robbery of a Bike Lands a 12 Year Old in Police Custody

Wednesday afternoon at Mincha in the Darchei Menachem Yeshiva on Eastern Parkway one of the students alerted one of the staff members, CP, to three Black youths hanging out in the schools front yard and eyeing the bikes that were parked there. CP made his way downstairs with a few of the students to ask the youths to leave when one of the students noticed his bike was missing.

Immediately after CP saw one of the youth fleeing on the bike and began chasing after the youth who was fleeing up Kingston then made a right turn onto St. Johns Pl. with CP hot on his trail when he called out to the thief that if he leaves the bike police would not be involved, which is when the youth dropped the bike and continued running on foot yet the pursuit continued with the thief now on foot and the pursuer on the bike.

This is when police made the turn onto St. John also in pursuit with the Bochur who owned the bike in tow, who pointed out the bike being ridden by the school staff member. Police stopped him thinking he stole the bike, but he quickly alerted police to the fleeing youth which they in turn apprehended and determined his age to be 12!

Officers from the 77th precinct who happened to have been passing by the school were flagged the Bochur and executed a marvelous job in listening and apprehending the youth.

A police report was not filed by the arresting officers who said they were going to take the youth to his home which was on block from where he was apprehended on Albany and St. Johns. School staff is still trying to get a police report filled out.


  • awacs

    To state the obvious: the school should call 311 and make a complaint about the police not reporting the incident.

  • yaakov w.

    Hey detective, nice work, very smart on the bike move. I wish I could’ve of been there to take a video!lol

  • thumbs down for the 77th

    Yup – that’s the quality of police protection – catch the criminal, and then take him right home, so he can try again. Disgusting beyond words.

  • doing their job, but a bisel seichel!

    ive seen this twice before when police could be stupid enogh to confuse prep and chaser. after the call was dispached as a "fight", some years ago in yeshiva in miami police cuffed a bocher who was chasing the shvartze, but it took some time for them to figur out who’s who. also at that time bochurim called the police reporting a prep in yeshivahs ally with a gun. the cops were there within a minute and pointed their gun toward the buchur, who was waiting for the cops! of course, he had to "explain" that it was he who called and the guy with the gun is in the ally!

  • Golus

    I think it was still worth the chase. It’ll make the kid think twice and maybe his friends to. I wonder why they had to "take" him home. Couldn’t he find his own way….Let’s not forget it’s golus and the friendly cop is still from Bnei Aisav

  • protect crown heights

    people in crown heights must spend some time calling every type of media places they possibly can and get as much publicity on this situation. I don’t think the police like negative publicity and will therefore do more to correct the situation.

  • Concerned Mommy

    G-d forbid, that shvartze could have had a gun and just turned around and shot, G-d forbid, those young boys and the yeshivah employees. Those boys should have been told NOT to chase after the thief. Their lives are not worth a bike!

  • re: concerned mommy

    Please note: It was a staff member who was chasing the 12 yr old thief on the bike.

  • stick up for your rights

    re: concerned mommy

    A young boy should NOT be chasing an older thug for a simple thing as a bike, but what are we to teach our boys- to live and get killed?

  • what has this place come 2?

    12 year olds are stealing bikes…… yeshiva "employees" are running after them ……. tzitztis are flying in the air behind them….it is like a wild gooses chase! imagine what ascene like that would look to an outsider…. i would stand there and laugh…. crown heights is officially crazy

  • CH resident

    To: what has this place come 2

    Laugh all you want, it actually made quite a kidush hashem!

    As a bystander, we applauded the staff member as did most ppl watching, including the Blacks.

  • Elchonon Lipa Kimmel

    Yidden must NOT be meek. They must be just, but never meek again. Always pursue a crime. Any kind of crime. Be relentless. Do not deny yourself justice!