second annual Friendship Circle Conference

The second annual Friendship Circle Conference which took place last week in Livingston NJ was declared a massive success in uniting many different Friendship Circles as well as the future Friendship Circles to be opened within the next year. It was attended by over 50 Shluchim and Shluchos. Among the many speakers were: Rabbi Levi Shemtov, West Bloomfield MI, Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum, Livingston NJ, Mr. Steve Kilghoffer, Rabbi Eliyohu Schusterman, Atlanta GA.

“The conference was very informative and impressive, and I feel that I will be able to apply a lot of what I learnt here to my Friendship Circle Program” said a participant.

The conference was organized by The Friendship Circle Division at The Shluchim Office, which coordinates and assists the efforts of Friendship Circles worldwide.

Friendship Circles across the United States and Canada and Australia are now outperforming their past successes and with their exponential growth of the network of Friendship Circles

For more information or to start a friendship Circle, Contact the Friendship Circle Division of The Shluchim Office @ 718 221 0500 ext 102 or email and visit


  • trouble

    The friendship circle does wonderfull work
    May hashem bless them with much continued success

  • Berel

    One thing all should know, that there is a Bochur that is behind this is HaTomim Ha’Nallah Bentzion Groner (Charrlotte, NC) for making this Confrence a big Success.

  • shliach

    "beacause it was pemited, it is permited always"?
    so no more need of mechitza even between ourself?
    ah i forgot shluchim are one big family..
    oh and how could i forget that we live in the "after gimel tamuz" era..
    how come that EIN ISH POITZE UMETZAFTZEF?!
    (i guess that this coment will stay between you the administrator and myself.. but maybe not.. veyhei ze schori)

  • also a shliach

    To Shliach:

    I am wondering if you have staff meetings in your chabad house?

    Do you ever go with your wife to visit other shluchim and get advice.

    I agree that there comes a point that you have to have a mechitzh etc. but where is that point?

  • impressed

    why would they need a mechitza? they are sitting seperately and there is no davening going on?
    why the exaggeration!!