Arutz Sheva
Reuven Weisblich
A resident of Shaarei Tikvah, in Samaria, was arrested Monday night for an act of conscientious objection he made nearly one year ago, on the eve of Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria. At the time, Reuven Weissblich, a father of three and a Lubavitcher Chassid, refused to report for reserve duty, writing to his commanders that he “does not want to be a part of the crime of expulsion” and that the Torah forbids relinquishing parts of the Land of Israel.

Police officers turned up at Weissblich's home Monday with no prior warning or summons. Ever since his arrest, he has been unable to speak with his family.

Lubavitcher Arrested for Not Participating in Gaza Disengagement

Arutz Sheva
Reuven Weisblich

A resident of Shaarei Tikvah, in Samaria, was arrested Monday night for an act of conscientious objection he made nearly one year ago, on the eve of Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria. At the time, Reuven Weissblich, a father of three and a Lubavitcher Chassid, refused to report for reserve duty, writing to his commanders that he “does not want to be a part of the crime of expulsion” and that the Torah forbids relinquishing parts of the Land of Israel.

Police officers turned up at Weissblich’s home Monday with no prior warning or summons. Ever since his arrest, he has been unable to speak with his family.

A popular Chabad website reports that half-a-year ago, Weissblich received a phone call from his contact officer explaining that his commanding officers had decided to charge Weissblich for his refusal to report for reserve duty. When he asked when the trial might be, the officer who called him had no answer.



    it seems that the government is a little confused. they should be reacting to the kidnapping of a soldier by rescuing the soldier, but instead they are showing they can also kidnap an innocent person and have him disappear.

  • viewer

    this is dispicable. u read about the intolerable behavior from the arabs who took over gaza, and this is the "response"? digusting.

  • wondering

    This is outrageous! What type of protest or action can Lubavitch around the world take?

  • Anoym

    This is why I do not want to move to Isreal. even with what Crown Heights is like

  • protest

    he totally has guts. it’s nice to know that lubavitchers still care about shlaimus haaretz after what happened in kfar chabad last yr. are there are any protests being organized? e/o should call the israeli consulate to protest.

  • $$ got to chabad

    At least 1 lubavitcher spoke out against the disnegagement. It seems that the chabad leadership in Israel said nothing regarding the disengagement. Apparently Mr Aronov was quiet about disengagement due to a governement investigation into his personal finances.
    Chabads did not partake in the demonstrations etc because "they dont get involved with politics". Funny how they were right behind Bibi when he ran for PM. The Rebbe spoke very much for giving away a single piece of the Holy Land. All of a sudden Chabad is quiet?

    Chabad also had very little say in the past elections. The outcome of the past elections only did further harm to the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

    I must give credit and respect to all those individuals who spoke out against disengagement.

    I have very little respect to the Chabad leadership in Israel who have been overcome by money. They have given up what they believe in and what the Rebbe stood for. Why? For some $$.

  • worried

    I hope he’s released soon!
    Can we get his mother’s name so we can daven for his early release?

  • disgusted

    that is completely retarded! 1 year ago and hes arrested NOW? i love it! maybe they should convict someone whos already dead? and at least be descent and let him have contact with his family!

  • Old news

    I think that the goverment is a bit off base, they have so many porblems to take care of and thay get bizzy on us!