Lubavitcher Yeshiva Chovevai Torah Releases Shluchim List

This year Chovevai Torah has selected 20 Bochurim who will be dispatched to Yeshivos around the world as Talmidim HaShluchim and will provide more personal attention in the learning environment as well as assist in the Mivtzoim Programs.

Yesterday the Menahel Ruchny R. Kalmen Wienfeld took the list of Bochurim to the Ohel followed by a meeting with R. Dovid Raskin, Menahel Of the Central Lubavitcher Yeshiva, who pointed out the Rebbe’s terms for Bochurim going out on Shlichus.

To view the full list click on the Extended Article!

Shmuel Menachem Volovik – Ohr Elchonon Chabad, Los Angeles, CA
Dovber Levertov – Ohr Elchonon Chabad, Los Angeles, CA
Shimon Emlen – Argentina
Yehoshua Hecht – Argentina
Ari Goldman – Beis Medrish Tochmei Timimim Lubavitch, Chovivei Torah
Yitchock Shmuel Levin – Brazil
Moshe Medalie- Brazil
Pesach Hai Shaul Zirkind – Yeshivas Hatmimim, Upstate New York
Aaron Dovid Franklin – Yeshivas Hatmimim, Upstate New York
Ezra Hecht – Sydney, Australia
Yosef Yitzchock Vidal – Sydney, Australia
Shneur Zalman Morris – Sydney, Australia
Chaim Shlomo Frosburg – Sydney, Australia
Shmaya Friedman – Sydney, Australia
Yaakov Kupfer – Sydney, Australia
Dovid Kasle – Pittsburgh
Dovid New – Torahs Emes – Yerusholayim
Naftali Fishman – Torahs Emes – Yerusholayim
Chaim Moshe Korik – Torahs Emes – Yerusholayim
Sholom Zushe Rappaport – Torahs Emes – Yerusholayim


  • really now?

    congraulations to all the Tmimim of the prestigious Chovevei Torah, headed by the honorable Rabbi Weinfeld Shlita. May u have much Hatzlocha regardless of ur destination!

  • choveve rocks

    wow! shkoach rabbi weinfeld, you beat all the “big guys” keep up the great work.

  • uly wanna be!!!

    r. weinfeld rox!!!!! he is the man!!! uly rox and they are getting the best shlichus in lubavitch.

  • realistic

    I was greatly relieved upon hearing that Shlichus has been taken out of "freezing". I was really afraid it might really get frozen in there!!

  • ken atem lo bsader hayom!!!

    "why didnt u was by sader today?"– Kalman Weinfeld 06

  • yitz-s friend

    Dear yitz, it was a great year! remember all those good arguments with ed. i would always observe and just laugh. I hope u have much success next year and im really happy you got the shlichus that you wanted!! peace bro.

  • respect!!!!

    It disgusts me how so many people trash and have no respect for rabbi weinfeld. I was in chovevei torah for 2 years and let me tell you, r. weinfeld has a unique way of touching and dealing with the bochurim. He is very dedicated and has many sleepless nights over the bochurim. Please whoever you guys are give respect and credit to where its due!!!!!

  • to respect

    In the spirit of not speaking loshon horah, and letting old grudges die. I will plead the 5th right now.

  • bochur in uly

    all bochurim of chovevei:
    all around it was a great year!! remeber our shabbaton to norwalk with mega "shefa rav". I wish much success to everybody in all your future endeavors. take all those good memories with u next year!!!

  • ohlei torah

    hey tuli, mazel tov i wish u much hatzlocho. btw where are all the barars???

  • just another bachor

    shkoach to all the buchrim going on shluchis! may u have hatslacha and congrats1

  • 2V Writes

    What ever happened to TWO years??? Mir Velen Zich Vaiter Zen….Remember the way you used to look up to the Shluchim…..Hatzlacha Rabbah Chovivei Shluchim…

  • chany raps

    sholom i’m so happy for you! you’re goin to isreal!!! congtats again! we’ll miss you !

  • y.l.

    to all the future shluchim of chovevei torah, may you all have lots of success and keep in touch. i’m making a blog for us, so call me for the info.

  • Chaim Itche

    Hey Shumuly – Congrats!! Such great news…for you and for me – now I have an excuse to go to cali and visit!

    Wishing you much Hatzlocha.

  • Itzik_s

    Yasher koiach, Sholom Raps! Is Yerushalayim ready for you? If you daven in the big shul in Shikun Chabad, remember that Shikun is one letter off from Shikor (shikker)!

  • to y.l.

    Great idea with the blog, send me an email and i’ll send the info out to everyone on the ‘keep in touch’ list.


  • Naggy

    Hey Naggy!

    See you next year! Gonna rock this ‘country in shambles’!
