Police responded within 2 minutes of the call and after taking a statement as to the description of the perp the Police took the girl around to attempt to find the mugger, but were unsuccessful.
Girl Mugged On Lefferts Ave and Balfour Pl.
The incident took place on Wednesday morning at approximately 11:00 am. A Jewish girl was walking on Lefferts Ave and Balfour Pl listening to her iPOD, when she was mugged by a black youth. The youth ran past her, grabbed her IPod and ran toward and down Brooklyn Ave. A member of Anash that had witnessed the crime immediately called Shomrim, and the first members who responded immediately called 911.
Police responded within 2 minutes of the call and after taking a statement as to the description of the perp the Police took the girl around to attempt to find the mugger, but were unsuccessful.
We would like to warn all kids and residents, it’s the summer and the crime is up, be sensible and careful. Protect yourselves. If you are the victim of any such crime don’t hesitate to call 911 and Shomrim at (718) 774-3333. And remember a crime not reported is a crime that didn’t happen!
a complainer
does anyone remember how a bunch of us called 311 and made a complaint about how crime is rising and our dear 71st pre… isnt doing enough about it.
well tonight i got phone message from lt. brown from the 71st pre… he wanted to discus my complaint with him and he left me a number 718 735 0516 well guess what i called back and its a fax mashine.
im wondering if by any chance anyone who complained to 311 has gotten the same call with the same number
To help all those that will be walking alone, i advise you to carry whistels with you, it surely helps.
Would it be helpful for Anash to carry loud whistles on their keychains? I am not trying to be flip or funny, but a whistle, especially a police whistle, can draw attention to the victim and possibly the perp.
Definition of mugged: "A type of robbery, in which the perpetrator accosts the victim in a public place, such as a street or parking lot, and demands money and/or valuables. The robber will typically threaten to use a weapon such as a gun or knife, but mugging can also involve physically beating the victim. Muggers will sometimes kill or injure victims who fail to hand over what the mugger considers a sufficient amount of money".
This was a plain ole ‘grab-n-snatch’. Sorry to take away from the glory of the headline, but it’s hyping up a story that is just a regular petty crime.
Have a great and safe weekend!!
Not bad the nypd has a upgrade on there speed,
last tim it took them 15 minutes to respond to a call!?!
yikes!! poor girl!! i hope that you find this man right away.
just a little reminder, i dont think you should be walking around crown heights, especially in the dangerous areas with an IPOD, especially when its being seen (the headphones), because that leads to mugging.
anyways, be well!
Pikuach Nefesh
please remember, if you are mugged give the shvartzer everything he asks for, do not fight or resist, your dear life is worth much more!
If you walk in high crime neighborhoods (e.g. Crime Heights) wearing the WHITE iPod headphones YOU ARE ASKING TO BE MUGGED — its like alking around with a wad of $100 bills in a see-thru bag..
the ipod craze
Don’t’ Forget!!
OK before I start let me say that I am not here to discuss the technical/emotional benefits/losses the use and ownership of an iPOD entails. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with owning an iPOD, or that it is OK. However if you do own and/or use an iPOD in the streets I have a few suggestions.
Now that we finished the disclaimer, iPOD’s are a very coveted item these days. Everybody wants one, BUT not everyone can afford one. Not that I’m at all condoning theft, but we live at times when theft is a part of our life. So if you are one of the people who has an iPOD, and chooses to listen to it outside, in the subway, while exercising, etc., at least try not to make yourself a target for those unfortunate among us who can’t afford one, but will never-the-less do whatever it takes to get one without working a day in their life.
On that vein a few steps you can take to help safeguard yourself are;
>Always be alert, and aware of your surroundings.
>Have emergency numbers {such as Hatzolah (718/212) 387-1750 / (718/212) 230-1000, Shomrim (718) 744-3333, Police 911, Police 71st precinct (718)735-0511} program into your telephones memory in an easily accessible manner, but not on speed-dial (very often the dispatchers get caught up having to wait on the line for someone who accidentally called from a cellphone in their pocket). In case of an emergency immediately call the appropriate number and don’t hang up until told to do so.
>If you see suspicious people approaching, following, or staring at you, try to walk away from them to a central, well lit, populated area while not making it obvious that you are running away from them. Walk in the street BUT BE VERY CAUTIOUS REGARDING ONCOMING TRAFFIC.
> In the event someone does approach you and tries to steal your property C"V; (a) get a good look at the person, height eye color, hair color, hair length, shirt style and color, pants style and color, SHOES style and color (they are lees likely to change shoes then they are to change their shirt and pants), under shirt style and color, jacket style and col, handbags, etc.. Make sure to get a very good look and memorize it so you can describe it to the police and shomrim.
Give them what they want, it’s easier than spending a day or two in the hospital.
Watch where they go and who they go with.
Immediately call 911 and shomrim, if you didn’t call yet. (Sometimes just calling 911 is enough to scare them away, though sometimes they’ll just steal your phone too).
> When wearing the iPOD outdoors try not to wear it in a revealed place (i.e. armband, book-bag strap, etc.), rather conceal it somewhere in a pocket.
> Do yourself a favor and buy a different pair of headphones to go with the iPOD instead of the standard ones. the regular ones advertise that you have an iPOD.
> When wearing it outdoors or on the subway, please don’t pull t out to adjust the song, volume, etc., again it advertises to everyone that you have a coveted iPOD.
> Last but not least, if you don’t have to wear outdoors, try hard not to.
Hope everyone is safe and we can finally put an end to all this nonsense. Please try and be safe, there are better ways to get publicity than by being mugged and having your picture and/or story posted on one the best news sites around. If you really want to be posted on the site, write a article about how to be safer around the community, and I’m sure webby will put it up for you.
Good night evryone.
Being robbed is a traumatic experience. (I had my bicycle taken by force when I was 11.) Hopefully this girl is being cared for and is not being told by her family what she could have done to prevent the robbery. That lecture, to her, should be saved a different time.
(The lecture about safety and being careful with iPods is for us – we have to be careful.)
wow! that was long!
white headphones
What about the ppl who wear the white headphones as a "Thtatus Thymbol" …. (plugged in to a $10 walkman:)
i think that the whistle idea is a very smart idea.
yesterday, they gave out whistles to the whole brhs.
besides for the whistle it has the shomrims #, hatzalahs #, cheverims #, and 911.
streetsafe tip
In general, if you see someone who looks suspicious, look at him in an obvious way (though not antagonistic.) He’ll be much less likely to start up with you if he knows you can identify him.
Friend of girl who was mugged
To all those who are so concerned about the girl wearing white, apple headphones which is a total give-away and shows that she’s asking to be mugged, she was actually wearing old, worn out pink headphones. so don’t be so quick to judge.
idea for any owner of a stolen iPod
call apple co. (iPod) and report to them that your Ipod was stolen, tell them your iPod serial#, let them put it on file.
(if anyone ever calls with that serial# for repairs/tech support etc. then… catch him! simple!)
"they" should put in GPS systems in all Crown Heights iPods, in case of theft.
a good tip
if anything bad ever happenes,c”v, scream as loud as you could
the iipod craze
I just want to point out, although I failed to mention earlier. I was in no way trying to lecture the girl who was mugged. I was just giviung advice for everyone else for the future.
i know the girl and she wasnt just walking around flaunting her ipod! it was in her bag and you could hardley c the headphones no offense but its kinda implied if your a teen in ch you would have an ipod or cell or somethign of value
they now sell cordless headphones specifically for this reason
they arent expensive – about $25