Photos: 3rd Night of Simchas Beis Hashueva in CH


  • disgusted

    What a chillul hashem and chillul lubavitch! i was there last night and was so disturbed by the fact that there is no control. you have boys and girls standing around smoking (more than just tobaco) and drinking. people form different sects and communities coming and seeing this. not a good advertisment for lubavitch. not only this, the simchas beis hashoeva has been overtaken by a sea of yellow flages and yechi yearmulkas, every niggun played is immediatley turned to yechi. disguting.
    adn shmira dn the police just stand around donig nothing. what is the point of them being there if they cant controll the crowd?
    street vendors selling food-no problem with that, but when you get men coming and buying food and eating it outside a succah when there is a succah 10 feet from them is not good chinuch for kids who see this.
    please, lwts have a seder.

  • CHAG SAMEACH!!!!!!

    looks like so much fun next year IY”H ill be there or we’ll all be in YERUSHALAIM!!!!!!!

  • Toshav Hashchuna was there 4:00 am

    come by at 3:00 am – 6:00 am see the real simchas beis hashoeiva
    5000 Talmidei hayeshivohs worldwide dancing with the Rebbes negunim on kingston cor montgomery
    you will feel connected and holy
    Those who dance Simchas Beis Hashoeiva merit to have simchas a whole year

  • sheichen hashchunah

    Compliments to the photographer. The top-most photograph, especially, captures the transcendence and beauty of the evening; despite the fact that down on the street level some things were not as they should be.

  • annoymas

    the person who wrote about being disgusted is really rude alot of people have fun there and so far every time theres pics of simchas beis hashueva u always comment bad stuff

  • heve dan es kol hoodom lechaf zechous

    Dear CHinfo, I would like to help you by making a little correction but an important one, this is not the third simchas beis hasoevah unless you only count the ones with music, it actually is the fifth one
    Gut moed, and shkoach for these wonderful pictures and this great website.

  • To disgusted:

    “What a Chillul Hashem and chillul lubavitch! i was there last night and was so disturbed by the fact that there is no control you have boys and girls standing around smoking and drinking.” what is that supposed to mean “no control, is it illegal to smoke or to date in public?
    ”People from different sects and communities coming and seeing this. Not a good advertisement for lubavitch.“ For starters most of the dating scene is not even lubavitch, and whoever is Lubavitch and dating, you should know there is a big Shiduch crises in CH.
    ”not only this, the simchas beis hashoeva has been overtaken by a sea of yellow flags and yechi yearmulkas, every niggun played is immediately turned to yechi. disguting.“ I don’t see the problem with waving simachas torah, american, British, brizil or even yellow flags.
    ”adn shmira dn the police just stand around donig nothing. what is the point of them being there if they cant controll the crowd?“ there point is not to control the speed of the danceing or to force those that are not to start dancing. All there here to do is keep the place safe.
    ”street vendors selling food-no problem with that, but when you get men coming and buying food and eating it outside a succah when there is a succah 10 feet from them is not good chinuch for kids who see this.“ as far as I know according to the Shulchan Aruch your allowed to eat outside the Sukkah as long as it’s not Hamotzi or Mezonos.
    ”please, lwts have a seder.” what kind of seder should there be?…only buy one hotdog, dance at five mph, only dance the Hora etc.!@#$%^&*(

  • re:to disgusted

    b’kitzur your upset that someone actually cares about kedusha and is writing about it,so you have to argue with everything they say
    very nice

  • Pinye

    No matter how you hold the camera, the place looks empty. That is because it is emptier than it has ever been before.
    The buffer zones are 10 times larger than they used to be and still the crowd doesn’t reach past nosh world.
    There USED to be a huge sukkah on montgomery. There USED to be singers. There USED to be a list of 40 kol dichfin sukkos. There used to be non sfardi music too. There USED to be a guy named Yisroel Shemtov running it.
    Wake up and smell the cofee guys.

  • nos

    to disgusted
    the smoking and pritzus is not only lubavitchers its also the people from other sects and the smoking problem is around all year not just by simchas beis hashoeva as for the yarlemulka’s and flags there’s nothing wrong with that the fact though the fact that every song is yechi is troubling and also its not the street vendor problem wherepeople eat their stuff i dont understand what you have against them

  • MEIR


  • BP Yid

    I came by last nite ..took one look at the yechi banners on stage and overall ambiance and we all decided to leave at once.
    Too bad. I figure normal chabad is no longer in charge of this event and I agree its a chilul lubavitch and a mockery to all.
    Whatever ;/

  • to re:to disgusted

    “b’kitzur your upset that someone actually cares about kedusha and is writing about it,so you have to argue with everything they say very nice”
    first of all saying that any flag is ok is not sitra-achra (for some its even kedush)
    and helping the shiduch crises is also kedusha (did you know one of the happiest days of the year is tu b’av when all the women would dance before the men and the men would pick their match)
    writing things that provoke disagreement and to rebuke yiden and embarrass them in public is certinly not kedusha

  • nothieng roung with yichi

    so what do you wantonly black yarlmokas and no flgs [beacus do you have any other flag] you hate youre self beacuse every budy knows lubavich for ychi

  • yudi simon

    I appreciate the photos they are amazing especially the rear sync slow shutter shots with the flags. I love the fish eye of the crowd from the birds eye view…
    I had a lens stolen from me on Monday night on stage as I played percussion some where between 2:am and 6:am. I would love to get the lens back any new would be most appreciated. I shoot to help support my family, for me to replace the lens would cost me about $1400. and I cant afford it.