Now featuring in the New York Times's Mens Fashion for fall of 2009.... Kapotes! Mendy Sacho, a Lubavitcher yungerman living in Toronto, was 'plugged'.

My Yiddishe Tailor

Now featuring in the New York Times’s Mens Fashion for fall of 2009…. Kapotes! Mendy Sacho, a Lubavitcher yungerman living in Toronto, was ‘plugged’.

Mendy Sacho is a young Lubavitcher tailor determined to give a contemporary twist to the kapote, the black knee-length coat worn by married Hasidic men. Sacho, who owns Sartoria Sacho in Toronto, trims the kapote in bright hues and lines it in everything from wild paisleys to dark purples.

‘‘The younger guys come to me for color on the buttonholes,’’ says Sacho, who plans to open an outpost of Sartoria Sacho in Brooklyn this fall. ‘‘Or they want the inside purple to match the purple in their tie. The older guys come to me because I will make them something that fits perfectly.’’

Amazingly, Sacho says his clientele is just 70 percent Jewish — and he’d like the ratio to be 50-50. If Jean Paul Gaultier could parade Hasidic-looking raiments on the runway, why can’t Sacho? ‘‘We are not all black hat, white shirt,’’ he says. ‘‘You can be religious and still be with the times.’’ Go to


  • How shall we live with the times?

    To ‘live with the times’ is to study the weekly parsha, not compromise our chassidishkeit by following trends.

  • happy customer

    Response to “How shall we live with the times”
    – Please explain how wearing something that looks nice on shabbos is compromising chassidishkiet?? did the rebbe ever say “wear a dirty shirt – make sure its not tucked in.. ” no didnt think so.. Sacho makes clothes that fit you and look good on you thats all .. Kol Hakovod Sacho!!