Hachnosas Safer Torah in Chabad of S. Beach
Over 400 people attended the grand ceremony of the completion of the writing of a Safer Torah, and escorting it into the new center for Chabad on Wheels / Chabad of South Beach, under the direction of R. Zev Katz. The Torah was dedicated by Mr. Avi Shulson & Mr. Avi Klein. Also present at the event was R. Yehuda Leib Schapiro the Rosh Yeshiva and Rav of the Kehila in South Beach.
A Large Photo Gallery in the Extended Article! (over 60 pictures!)
Mr. Avi Klein one of the doners of the Torah which he is holding
Mr. Avi Klein and Mr. Avi Shulson reciting the Hakafos
Mr. Avi Klein and Mr. Avi Shulson the doners of the new Safer Torah
wow! nice
a big fan!
Rabbi Klein did the most amazing job!! i recommend him to anyone and everyone