<%FlashMP3(wake up.mp3)%>

BAY HARBOR ISLANDS, FL [CHI] — For the second time, in as many months, Infinity Productions, the production company for Mayer Rivkin’s CD recordings, has announced the release of its second “single album”, from the soon to be released 13 song CD album “Wake Up Yidden”.

More in the Extended Article!

According to a production company spokesperson, the release of the “single song” is in response to the many inquiries as to the release date of the eagerly awaited Music Video “It happened Yom Kippur”. “We are approximately 3 weeks behind schedule with the production of the Video, related to the compilation process of much never before seen, original and exclusive footage. People are anxious and impatient, so we are releasing another song from the new album to hold them over.” Even though, the new song has not yet been “mixed & mastered”, lacking some detail and “richness” in the music and vocals, the decision was however made to release it now.

Also, being introduced for the first time, is the new young mystery voice, who will be singing a number of songs on the new album, alongside Mendel Rivkin, son of Mayer Rivkin.



    Thank you! This is what we need more of.

    Stories dealing with one Chossid hurting another, I have had enough of. Unfortunately, these items shlep many people into the fray. Just look at how many people write in to comment…most of them “nisht gishtaygen un nisht giflaygen”. Where to people have so much time to write such long megilos.

    Meir, continue coming out with more and more songs and thank you for sharing them with us. They are warm, inspiring and certainly will do much in bringing Jews together — moving us to “get ready to bring Moshiach….our Rebbe!


    Mayer doing one his soulful renditions of a Chabad niggun at the Chabad L.A. Telethon. Surprised they haven’t thought of it.

    Where can I cast my vote?

  • former CGI camper

    Ahem,not excatly the original words of the song…“In a Mikdash built of flame wew ill give thanks to his name and march to geulah with the REBBE shlita”

    Fine drop the shlita….

  • Eli

    Funny, but in the original words and on the Montreal Camp Tape there is ‘Rebbe Shlita’ instead of ‘Moshiach Tzidkeinu’



    We have received many e-mails and comments, on variuos news web sites, expressing just your concern. However, there are those who agree with our decision to have changed the lyrics to “Moshiach Tzidkaynu” from “Rebbe Shlita”.

    Because of the so many who feel strongly about this issue, we are subsequently, looking into the “possibility” of rerecording this song to perhaps changing it, as per the “former” (no such thing as “former” CGI Camper…once a CGI Camper, always a CGI Camper) CGI Camper.

    The “jury is still out”, on this one.

    Stay tuned.

  • Loyal Camper

    I honestly don’t understand what the fuss is about, could be b/c it hasn’t been mixed and mastered, but I’m not too impressed if at all with this.
    As a camper in camp it sounded so much better, and it’s not the song but the way he changed and made his own tenuos, and I’m not a fan of his voice either, maybe as a chazan but not as a singer!!!


    just awhile ago took off the airphones of my sons iphone after listening to rivkin’s expressions cd. actually, what i was impressed with today, as i was a couple summers ago, when i first bought his cd, was his loyalty and strict adherance to the original “tenuos” of the niggunim…he simply sang them correctly, unlike a number of other singers who sing chabad songs with personal interpretations and embelishments.

    his performane of “wake up yiddin” is very much like i remember singing it in camp many years ago.

    there is no question that mrivkin has a “chush” in niggina (that one has to be born with) and after having listened to his “shliach tzibur” was convinced that this guy is agreat singer and baal menagin…certainly not a chazan.

    and no, i am not rivkins publisist. just like the way this guy sings.

    meir, just continue what you’re doing and the way your’re doing it

    continued hatzlocho!

  • ANON


    Why? Because the whole beauty of the song is how the words rhime with each other – it has absolutely nothing to do with his voice, tenuos, style or whatever.

    I think you should drop “moshiach tzikeinu” also, some idiot might find that offensive too! In fact, leave out the whole “geulah” thing – some moron might be bothered by “geulah”.

  • Bring back the old version

    Like the old version better. Sorry.

    For the sake of nostalgia, stick to the way it sounded in the good old days.

    The song sounds butchered.