MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — This Sunday evening a beautiful Siyum Horambam took place in The Henry Seaberg Hall. An impressive set hall greeted the guests as they came in.
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Siyum HaRambam in Manchester, England
MANCHESTER, England [CHI] — This Sunday evening a beautiful Siyum Horambam took place in The Henry Seaberg Hall. An impressive set hall greeted the guests as they came in.
More pictures in the Extended Article!
The MC Rabbi Chaim Farro introduced hatomim Nissen Korenfeld who so eloquently gave over a Dvar Malchus he then introduced Hamashpia Horav Yitschok Klyne to make the siyum, the Hascholo of the Rambam was made by Horav Moshe Wolberg magid shiur in the Yeshiva, Divrei Brocho and Hisorrirus were given by the Moro D’asara Horav M. M. Schneebalg who emphasized the greatness of the Rebbes takono of Limmud horambam along with many personal benefits one can derive from this takono.
The keynote speaker was Rabbi Chaim Rappaport from London who spoke of the Rebbes uncompromising stance in Shleimus Hatorah and the Rebbes utilizing Torah to change the world both points which are emphasized at the beginning and end of the rambam.
A full catered meal was served, the siyum ended with a Farbrengen in to the early hours of the morning.
The event was organized by the Shluchim of Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester with a team of Bochurim, special mention of Hatomim Shmuel Cohen who worked tirelessly to see the siyum through to its fruition.
The Yeshiva does it again
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Kol Hakavod YLM! Brochos to all those who put their kjochos into the welfare of the bochurim bgashmiyus uvruchniyus! Geulah NOW!!!