Father and son learning for young Shluchim, download the Shavuos sicha for your age from MyShliach.com. Learn half of the sicha with your mentor and on Shavuos learn the second half with your father.

More info in the Extended Article!

Shavuos Father and Son Learning – My Shliach

Father and son learning for young Shluchim, download the Shavuos sicha for your age from MyShliach.com. Learn half of the sicha with your mentor and on Shavuos learn the second half with your father.

More info in the Extended Article!

If you are not yet a part of the MyShliach mentoring program you can still participate by learning the whole Sicha with your father

MyShliach is a project of the Kinus Hashluchim and a division of Merkos Linyonai Chinuch
Made possible through a generous grant of the Rohr family foundation


  • shmuel

    you guys keep on coming up with greate ways of laughing at Schluchim. with teh fundraising isuue etc…

    maybe if you had a better idea on what a schiliach is,and does you will have more respect.

    next time make a video with taste. not only “funny”

  • moshe raichiks shliach

    hi i am a shliach that participates and its very good KEEP IT UP BEREL FRANKEL!!!!

  • CH resident

    Very funny – its nice to see someone make their point with a bit of humor

    May you find more ways to help Shluchim – and maybe remember the rest of us at some point and time

    Yaher Koach

    PS – Shmuel take a chill pill

  • C M

    Very funny!

    Actor: Benny Hershcovich – very funny and talented guy!

    (“shmuel” – you’re obviously not a shliach yourself – maybe your father, but not you; if you were a shliach you’d find it funny. The best humor is when you can laugh at yourself!)

  • bothered

    I am shocked with this message you are giving. That the father is only interested in the son when he mentions an ipod- that is not a very good chinuch to teach children…I understand you are trying to be funny, but this is about chinuch and that was not something I would want my kids to learn from.

  • Shliach

    this program is amazing. you guys are always creating new ways to help us shluchim.

    all kids around the world will be learning the same sicha !! wow!!

    thank you Merkos, Rabbi Kotlarsky and the Rores for all that you do

  • shmuel

    i did say it is funny. but lets not get caried away.

    offering bill gates maftir?
    making schluchim look like shleck with a hole in the roof?
    that we are not intrested in our kids chinuch?
    that we will sell our soul for a few bucks?

    yes i am a shliach. and yes i can use extra money. but what i can tell from the video, that no mater how dedicated the pepole who run tghis program are, they are nevertheless siting in crown heights being able to choose bettween empire grill, blvd cafe, esters deli, bagatoast, mendys, mermilstiens, and whatever else opened up recntley.

    this is not meant to knock anyone just be more carefull, we are not in camp,

  • To Shmuel

    I dont think that Shluchim are shleck. I think it shows how hard Shluchim work. If you say they do not work hard, then something is wrong.

  • a disturbed shliach

    Shmuel chill and learn how to spell-

    If you are shliach you would spell better and not disgarce shluchim worldwide with your spelling. BTW they invented spell check!!

    Just appreciate what they are doing for you.

    How many times a week do you learn with each of your kids.
    Here is your chance to learn with them.

  • The other cousin : )

    WOW! Great to see that the Hershkowitz (Hershkovitch) cousins ( COUSIN!) are working together to make the world a better place.

  • the guy next door

    as someone who works near the myshliach office i could tell u they have the greatest respect for shluchim and the mesiras nefesh they have

    thts why they dedicate their time effort and money to make these types of programs

    trust me the roof is in the pudding – hunreds of non myshliach members have already signed up for this program

    i really dont think they meant any haerm with this video

    good luck