Chabadnik Wins the 2005 Cantors World Cantorial Contest
Beryl Zucker was chosen as the winner by illustrious panel of judges that included, Cantor Joseph Malovany, Cantor Bentzion Miller, Cantor Yaakov Motzen, and Cantor Noach Schall.
Winner of the 2005 Cantors World Cantorial Talent Search, Berel Zucker Berel Zucker was born in Detroit in 1981. Berel’s father, a Lubavitcher Chassid and chazzan, instilled in Berel and his brothers the rich Chassidic legacy of neginah and chazzanus, and would often play the recordings of Yossele Rosenblatt, who Berel maintains had a major impact on him growing up. While still a child, Berel’s family made aliyah, settling in Jerusalem.
On shabbos, Berel and his father would walk to hear Chazzan Naftali Herstik and the choir of the Great Synagogue, and then walk to the Kosel (Western Wall) to hear Reb Shlomo Carlebach’s late Friday night davening. While still a child, Berel and his brothers officiated as a choir on the High Holidays, often accompanying their father. Berel also sang with other choirs in Jerusalem, often appearing as soloist on recordings.
As a teenager, Berel sang with bands for weddings and Simchas in and around Jerusalem, before returning to the United States to learn in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva at Chabad Headquarters in Brooklyn. Berel currently studies at the Belz School of Jewish Music, Yeshiva University, where his courses include Nusah, Music Theory, Voice and piano. He is also a member and featured soloist in the Belz School Choral Ensemble. Berel also sings with the choir of Young Israel Beth-El in Boro Park (Cantor Ben Zion Miller).
For the last ten years, Berel has officiated as Chazzan for shabbos and high holidays in communities all over the world. Berel will be joining other top cantors in an upcoming Cantors World concert.
Mazel tov, Berel!