Chossid Working On Construction Site In Crown Heights Severely Burned In Electrical Arc
by CrownHeights.info
A Chossid from Williamsburg working at a construction site in Crown Heights was severely burned Friday after a hoist he was working on arced, severely burning him and two other workers.
Hatzalah received the call for help around 11:30am Friday morning to 210 Clarkson Ave near Nostrand Ave for three patients with severe electrical burns. Crown Heights Hatzalah rushed to the scene with three ambulances, providing care for the patients and transporting two to a specialty burn center in Staten Island.
According to reports filed after the incident, the three were working on a high powered hoist which requires higher than normal electrical power. While the exact reason for the failure was not reported, an electrical arc formed, creating a flash of extreme heat and melted material which caused significant burns to two of the workers.
Williamsburg News, a social media account which provides news for the Williamsburg community pulished a request for Tehillin, naming the victim as Moshe ben Leah.
A fire was a also started on the eighth floor of the building by the arcing blast and the responding firefighters were quickly able to extinguish it.