Where did the Rebbe give Matanos L’Evyonim on Purim?
There are so many in your community who need your help. This Purim, donate to those in our Crown Heights community.
Your Matanos L’evyonim will ensure that everyone in our community can truly celebrate and feel the Simcha of Purim.
“It is preferable for a person to be more generous with his donations to the poor than to be lavish in his preparation of the Purim feast or in sending Shalach Manos. For there is no greater and more splendid happiness than to gladden the hearts of the poor, the orphans, the widows, and the converts.” – Rambam
This Purim, ensure that a family in Crown Heights can sit down and celebrate with enough food to feed all their children. Families, almonos, and yesomim are all relying on you!
This Purim, donate and help the needy in your community. These are your neighbors, your friends, your son’s chavrusa’s family, and your daughter’s classmate.
Please give generously and ensure that EVERYONE in our community can enjoy the Simchas Purim.
Partner with CSSY this Purim! www.CSSY.org/Purim
Today! Give Matanos L’evyonim in person at the same Tzedakah box where the Rebbe placed his tzedakah!
Visit the famous Shimshon and Martha Stock porch at 593 Montgomery St. (Between Brooklyn & Kingston).
If you can’t make it in person, donate online at www.cssy.org/purim or via:
- PayPal: https://paypal.me/CSSY
- CashApp: https://cash.app/$CSSYcashapp
- Zelle: office@CSSY.org
Funds are distributed on Purim.
Today marks the 18th yahrzeit of Shimshon Stock – Founder of CSSY
Wishing you and your family a Freilichen Purim,
Benzion Stock