Tonight: Bonei Olam Show Up
Your presence has power.
Show Up for your sister, friend, neighbor, brother.
Show Up for your community.
Bonei Olam Chabad’s 4th Annual Show Up is here!
Monday, January 20 | 20 Teves
Oholei Torah Ballroom
Doors Open: 8:00 PM | Program Begins: 8:30 PM
Join host Mrs. Rivkah Slonim for an evening of connection, inspiration, and impact. Hear from Rabbi Bochner, and the stories of Bonei Olams miracles that Crown Heights helped facilitate.
Bring your Bonei Olam pushka, and together let’s fill up one BIG pushka, and together we can turn dreams into miracles.
Dairy dessert buffet | Open to all ladies over 18.
1 in 6 couples struggles with fertility—your presence makes a difference.