UPDATE: Unity Hakafos To Highlight Simchas Torah Day In Crown Heights

Simchas Torah Day Achdus Dancing Update #2:

A question was raised whether the Sifrei Torah can be taken out onto the street for the dancing, and we reached out to the Crown Heights Bes Din. We were advised not to take out the Sifrei Torah for this Achdus dance.

All Shuls should do Ata Horeisa and Hakafos at their respective Shuls.

We will then meet on Albany Ave between Carroll and Montgomery Streets.

The women should be on Albany between Carrol and Crown. Men on Albany between Crown and Montgomery.

The dancing will be in the main intersection of Crown and Albany for men and boys.

Together we will make a huge Kidush Hashem and Kidush Shem Lubavitch, and bring the Rebbe much Nachas.

Achdus Simchas Torah day Hakafot Update: To accommodate a larger crowd, NYPD will be closing Albany Avenue from Carrol to Montgomery, and Crown street from Troy Avenue to Kingston, so that the full intersection of Crown and Albany is open for this event.

In commemoration of one year since Simchas Torah 5784 / October 7, 2023, several Crown Heights Shuls have organized a Unity Hakafa to strengthen our Achdus, and to dance on behalf of all those who can longer dance.

Each Shul will say their Ata Horeisa at their respective Shuls, and will come out and join together on Albany Ave between Crown and Montgomery streets, with their Sifrei Torah in hand, to dance and recite the 12 Pesukim.

The following Shuls have already confirmed their participation, and all other Shuls and individuals are invited to join.

Beis Levi Yitzchok
Beis Shneur
Chevra Ahavas Yisroel
Merkaz Sefarad
Ohel Nosson

Friday, Simchas Torah

1:00 – 1:30 pm

Albany Ave from Crown St to Montgomery Street

Achdus Dancing and the 12 Pesukim (refreshments and drinks at your respective Shuls)


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