EXCLUSIVE: New Dental Center With Wide Range of Services Coming to Crown Heights

by CrownHeights.info

A severe lack of dental options in Crown Heights is coming to an end with the opening of a multi-service state-of-the-art Dental Center in the heart of the Crown Heights Jewish community.

“This Dental Center was long overdue for the Crown Heights community” Dr. Shmuel Eldad explained. “The new center will fill in the community’s need after recent closure of other dental practices left few options for residents.”

The new center, located in Dr. Rosen’s previous location at 358 Kingston Avenue, will be an all inclusive center headed by world renowned Dental Consultant Dr. Samuel Eldad. The center will provide the community’s needed general dentistry while also making available – for the first time in Crown Heights history – a full range of Orthodontics.

Have Medicaid? The new center will be accepting all major insurance providers including Medicare and Medicaid.

A launch event will soon be announced as the center prepares to open in the coming weeks.

Special thanks to Dr. Eli Rosen, Yingy Bistritzki, Heisha Deitsch, Dovid Shputz, JJ Katz, Dr. Lerner, and other askanim and community activists for their hard work and dedication in facilitating the new Dental Center.

A complete list of services that will be provided at the new center can be found below:

General Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Pediatric Dentistry
Oral and maxillofacial surgery
Restorative dentistry
Oral medicine
Implant Dentistry


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