Are Chili Lime Chips Really Worth The Drive?
You may have noticed flyers around town raising questions about Trader Joe’s. They said things like, “Is the long drive really necessary?” and “are chili lime chips really worth the drive?”
The truth is, it was never really about Trader Joe’s.
There was a hidden question beneath the familiar marketing. And it was about something entirely different than simply grocery shopping.
The real question is, why would families choose to travel all the way to Ocean Parkway when there are options for chinuch just a few minutes away?
Tomchei Tmimim of Ocean Parkway is a 22 minute drive from Crown Heights. Do you wonder why families choose a long commute for their children’s chinuch?
The answer is actually quite simple. The same way you’ll drive the extra mile for a better selection of products, TTOP parents choose to travel for a superior quality chinuch for their children – and they’ll all agree, it’s definitely worth the drive!
At Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway, the atmosphere is filled with joy and excitement. Everyone WANTS to be there, staff and talmidim included! Curricula are hand-made with only the best “ingredients,” flavored with genuine chassidishkeit, and seasoned with the pure potential of each child – all in order to create a proud and quality Tomim.
We believe that quality products yield quality results. That’s why we’re launching a fundraiser for our yeshiva! At Tomchei Tmimim, we know we have the best selection. Can you help us campaign for the future of our growing yeshiva?
Choose quality. Invest in Tomchei Tmimim!
Together, we’ll build chassidishe minds – one purchase at a time.