CSSY Gives A Heartfelt Thank You
On behalf of your Crown Heights neighbors, friends and relatives, we would like to extend our most heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of people and families who stopped by the “Stock Porch” and so generously donated Matanos L’evyonim, as well as to the hundreds who donated online! Your simcha shel mitzvah was felt, appreciated, and enjoyed by over 300 families in our community who received your Matanos L’evyomin on Purim day.
Regrettably, there was a glitch in our online credit card processor prohibiting many from donating online via credit card. The issue has been fixed and we encourage you to please go online and donate now!
Donations can be made securely online at www.cssy.org/purim
zelle: office@cssy.org
Thank you again for partnering with us in making sure every Shabbos and Yom Tov can be celebrated by every member of our community with dignity, peace of mind, and joy.
PS We would like to remind you that Pesach is less than 30 days away and we must ensure that every individual and household has all that they need for Yom Tov. Our Moas Chittim campaign will be live shortly.