Oholei Torah Launches Full Purim Program For School Families
Join us on Purim day for a Grand Cheder Purim Program with Shacharis, Krias Hatorah, Mikrah Megillah, Mishloach Manos exchange – class meetups, and Matanos L’evyonim all in one place! This is a new initiative as a service to the Oholei Torah community. Families welcome! Children may come just for the meetup, if unable to attend Shacharis and Megillah reading.
Please note:
* Talmidim of grades Pre1A-3rd should be accompanied with their father or an older brother.
* Rebbis will not necessarily be present at the program. As usual, a note will be sent out to notify parents of location and hours of their son’s Rebbi on Purim day.