Bais Rivkah Announces Auction Prize Winners

On behalf of hundreds of BR staff members and thousands of BR students, THANK YOU!

If you’re one of the 1700+ people who invested in Bais Rivkah, you’re a winner in every sense of the word.

You’re a winner of the Rebbe’s brochos.

You’re a winner of the success of Bais Rivkah.

And you might even be the winner of an auction prize:)


Tuition Package – Yossi and Liba Rapoport

Laine Jewelers – Yossie and Devorie Raitport

Yaffie Begun Wig – Chana Kosofsky

KMR Retreat- Dovi and Rivky Greenspan

Gas Card – Gittle and Moshe Gopin

2 Round Trip Tickets to ארץ ישראל – M & RF

Grand Florida Mansion Vacation – Izzy S.

The Market Place – A. Family

Kettle and Cord – Chanie Hoffer

Everything but the Baby – Zisel Gurevitz

BR Uniform Shop – Elisheva Jacobson

Shopping Extravaganza – S. M.

A. Soliani – C. H.

Valco Baby –Yishaya Benjaminson

Amazon Gift Card – Cheli Greenberg

Thank you for investing in Bais Rivkah!

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