Credit: NYC Sheriff’s Office

Have A Commercial Vehicle In Crown Heights? Watch Out, the NYPD Is Towing Them


Crown Heights business owners beware, the NYPD is towing commercial vehicles parked on the streets of Crown Heights.

Many local store owners and non-profit organizers got an unhappy shock Motzei Shabbos when they discovered that the NYPD had towed their commercial vehicles parked on the streets of Crown Heights. Mini-busses, delivery vans, and others.

The sudden tow-fest has arrived with a crackdown on illegal vehicles without proper license plates or registration, something the community has been demanding for years. reminds all Crown Heights store owners that the parking of commercial vehicles on the street overnight is prohibited by law, a law which is now being enforced.


  • Tomim

    Many commercial vehicles from nearby neighborhoods park in Crown Heights. It was well known that our streets were the parking lot for commercial vehicles.

  • Yakov

    I drive around at night and every community has way more commercial vehicles parked on the street.So no, crown heights is not special in that regard.And people who own and operate commercial vehicles are people too.There is a lack of parking for them as well.

    • Commercial vehicles

      A commercial vehicle, by definition, is a vehicle that is used for a trade. It isn’t just a means of transport to and from home/work, but actually used for business purposes.
      Part of the expenses of a business that uses vehicles is to provide overnight parking. The city streets are available for free parking for PERSONAL vehicles!

    • BoroParker

      I live in BP and tell my drivers to park my delivery vans in crown heights. In BP it takes away spots from yidden. But in CH, it takes spots from yuppies and shvartz goyinm. Plus in CH we wouldn’t get towed… till now. Oy, now I need to find another place.

  • Yacov

    The saddest part is, while Jews around the world are uniting to help each other, NYPD says they are enforcing this rule only because our people are demanding this. Costing upwards of thousands of dollars straight to city’s pockets.

    • Shmuel

      I agree with you 100%
      We are quick to run to Israel and all over the world to do chesed etc (all great deeds) but charity begins at home!
      It will not get headlines but it will simply help another jew!

    • Toshev hashchuna

      I spend hours after a hard day at work trying to find parking of my private vehicle. By the time I find parking, blocks away, my supper is cold, my kids are asleep and I am grumpy. The spots on my block are grabbed by commercial vehicles. They are there illegally. I can forgive them if it is for one night, but it is constantly nightly. I will give a donation or help a yid, but don’t be a pig.

    • Kop Doktar

      The saddest part is that these “Karen” business people that clig up the streets with their parked commercial vehicles are upset that residents do not embrace their abusive behavior. These unethical business people abuse the community by stealing tye parking spots and expect an award. The award is a tow. Maybe I should park in their driveways and don’t dare call a tow!

  • What about "tanks" and rental vehicles?

    Mitzvah Tanks and rental vehicles hog our street parking. If the vehicle is used for business (even if “non-profit) purposes it should use a paid parking lot!

    • Jo shmo

      Why don’t you go to the ohel tell the rebbe who envisioned this neighborhood of Kan tzivah hashem es habrocho! to get his Mitzvah Tanks off our streets???? listen to yourself

    • BMG

      So “Jo Shmo” thinks that the Rebbe would want to see his tanks parked illegally and harming the neighborhood’s parking. I guess the Rebbe enjoyed viewing tanks making a chilul Hashem and breaking the law. Next: Rebbe has nachas seeing tanks driving through red lights and going wrong way down street – l’chatchila ariber! Your vision of the Rebbe is warped and twisted!

  • Rental vehicles

    Now we just need a crackdown on rental vehicles (like ****** and ******) which take up over 150 parking spots

  • yossi

    commercial car parking allowed only on commercial zone like most of kingston ave, and not in regular residential streets

  • Shmuel

    Straight up MESIRAH! in the name of helping the community!
    If these “concerned people” really care about the community, you would think they would have a conversation or a meeting with the ppl whose livelihood depends on these vehicles!

    Instead, they have vehicles towed, which costs hundreds of dollars and disrupts peoples lives! What a chutzpah and pashut straight up mesirah and rishus!

    • Rishus

      The rishus is grabbing the spots for residential private vehicles. The chutpah is to xomplain when someone points out YOUR rishus. Thst’s from the playbook of Sodom. Your commercial vehicle is taking the spots of private residential cars. And YOU are complaining?!

  • Shmuel

    The highest form or level of tzdakah, is to set someone up with paranasah, boy oh boy if one does the opposite to his fellow yid and neighbor! Hashem yishmor!

    • Tomim

      The fellow yid and neighbor is robbing me of a parking spot by illegally parking his commercial vehicle on the street. I need to circle for hours after a hard day at work because of his flaunting of the law. Overnight street parking is for me – residential private vehicles. He is stealing from me, and you say I should help him further damage me and the shchuna?!

  • Fishel

    Follow the money. Now that commercial vehicles need overnight parking, very soon a new parking lot business will open to accommodate on an unused empty lot in Crown Heights. Brilliant!

    • Shmuel

      Would not shock me one bit

      It’s horrific how we are treating each other in our holy neighborhood of Kan tzivah hashem es habrocho! Shameful and embarrassing

    • Chosid

      Everyone needs to make a living off everyone else. מפרנסים זה מזה Create a need, supply the service, make a living, donate to the community, become a tzaddik – on the backs of others.

  • Smendrik

    Help your fellow yid and neighbor by leaving parking spots on the steet instead of being a pig and parking illegal commercial vehicles overnight on the road. Any business owner that parks commwrcial vehicles to the detriment of others is an unethical businessman and suspect of dishonest behavior.

  • Chutzpah

    I plan to park in your driveway. I know it’s illegal. But you better not complain or call a tow on me. It’s MESIRAH if you dare to. Besides, you need to help me, a fellow yid and neighbor, so shut up and help my needs. I need to park, you have a driveway, what’s the problem? Oh, you need to park too? So park in someone else’s driveway. And they? They too can park in anothrr’s driveway…Sodom Law!

  • What's yours is mine

    I bud in line ahead of you. Because you don’t matter. Besides, I am allowing you to help another yid. Thank me for budding ahead of you. I just gave you a mitzva of ahavas yisroel. I will flood your block with parked commercial vehicles. Your parking needs don’t matter. Be happy that my needs are met. Ahavas yisroel. Help a yid. I will bud ahead of you each time you are in line. You are a doormat.

  • Chochom

    The business owner that parks his commercial vehicle overnight on the street is stealing parking from the neighborhood. Therefore, we are allowed destroy the offending vehicle, break it and then go to steal from his business: הגונב מן הגנב פטור. And the owner better not call police, that would be mesirah.

  • Local business owner

    To all you good for nothings that have jobs outside of CH,

    What do you do for the shchuna? Nothing!

    All you do use the local business stores who would make much more money if they would open in better neighborhoods.

    Our local business helps you live in CH. Be grateful. Instead you kvetch about “your” parking spots.

    Remember that we contribute to CH and you don’t. We deserve parking, not you.

    • chochom

      Hey business owner, you got it backwards. We, the residents, SUPPORT you and give you parnasa. If you could make more in another neighborhood, you would have long gone. YOU should be grateful we patronize your business and not shop outside the shechuna for better prices (that are available). WE should be grateful to you for letting us be your customers??? That is sooooo KRUM!!!!!

  • Local business owner

    And you know what – if I need to pay for parking of my commercial vehicles, YOU will be paying for it, because I will raise my prices by 5%. Yes, that will teach all you low life mosrim. My prices are going up by a few cents each day. You won’t notice it but it starts tomorrow. That will teach you!

    • Yanky

      Your prices are ALREADY at the maximum. You charge us as much as you possibly can. If your prices go any higher, we will patronize stores and businesses outside CH. Try it and you will be quickly out of business. You know it!