Crown Heights Hatzalah Paramedic Joins Team Heading to Support Eretz Yisroel
by CrownHeights.info
A Crown Heights Hatzalah Paramedic is one of eleven Hatzalah Paramedics from across the United States who stepped onto an airplane heading to Eretz Yisroel. The “Hatzalah Heart Team” will be assisting Hatzalah of Israel as they cope with the strain of the ongoing conflict.
Headed by Michael Vatch of Queens Hatzalah and Yoshi Hagler of Hatzalah South Florida, Crown Heights Hatzlaah Paramedic Yehuda Shaffer joined the team, lending his unique skills and abilities to the team.
CrownHeights.info lends Yehuda a heartfelt Bracha of Hatzlacha and asks our readers to keep him and his fellow teammates in their prayers.

Bravo to these volunteers! Yehuda Shaffer’s uniqueness among this team is that he is a veteran of the IDF, and has a moral depth of character that is rare to see.