Did You Know Mr. Mendel Sholomson?

Update: Thankfully information about Mr. Sholomson has been obtained, and Chesed Shel Emes is now working to provide a Jewish burial. To donate towards the costs of the buiral, Click Here.

On Erev Yomtov the medical examiner reached out to Chesed Shel Emes regarding a homeless deceased which was found in a park. They believed he was Jewish and upon further investigation it’s believed his father who passed away in 2018 was buried by CSE.

Chesed Shel Emes of Crown Heights, led by Mordy Hecht, is now looking to find anyone who personally knew Mendel, who lived in Crown Heights on Empire Blvd until approximately five years ago.

If you knew Mr. Sholomson, please contact Rabbi Feldman at 347-546-7919.

One Comment

  • Yossi A.

    Any picture of him? We might recognize him thru his picture. Not necessarily by name.
    B D E