Start the New Year With Shaar Habitachon
As we start the new year, a new cycle of the popular Shaar Habitachon shiur with renowned magid shiur Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz is starting a new cycle.
We will start a monthly Limud cycle! Every weekday a small portion of the Shaar Habitachon’s text will be posted, along with two shiurim:
1) swift overview of the portion outside.
2) a Swift shiur, learning that day’s quota inside.
In many letters, the Rebbe encouraged people to learn Shaar HaBitachon in order to strengthen their belief and faith in Hashem and internalize a mindset of tracht gut vet zein gut.
Learning Shaar Habitachon is the most efficient way to find comfort, peace of mind, happiness and to overcome the various struggles in our lives. It helps strengthen our trust in Hashem and divine providence and brings blessings of parnasah, nachas and health.
Join the Bitachon Boost WhatsApp Group by clicking here.
For a listing of shiurim from Irgun Torah, visit: IrgunTorah.org/shiurim.
For a listing of podcasts from Irgun Torah, visit: IrgunTorah.org/podcasts
If you or your shul would like to start a new shiur, or promote an ongoing shul, please contact us at IrgunTorah@gmail.com.