Calling all Crown Heights Visual Creatives
Tomorrow, join fellow visual creatives at the Visual Arts Hakhel Event celebrating the fusion of Torah inspiration and creativity. Hear from top figures in the industry and connect with local talent on September 6 at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel!
The event marks the third time local visual artists and creatives are gathering together in honor of a Hakhel year. Initiated by esteemed artist Michoel Muchnik, the event aims to inspire and uplift visual creatives in all areas of their work.
“Hakhel is about inspiration to serve our Higher purpose, which is what we all hope to glean from this gathering,” said Muchnik, who will speak at the event on his creative process and the fusion of Chassidus and artistry.
Crown Heights is a hub of talent, and a localized event highlights the immense potential within our community. Whether you are an artist, graphic designer, architect, photographer, illustrator, animator, filmmaker, set designer, etc, you can meet and connect with like-minded individuals and learn something new and uplifting from influential figures in the visual arts industry.
Presenters from various fields of the visual arts will speak on their own journeys and the motivations behind their creative endeavors. Gain wisdom and inspiration from Michoel Muchnik; Daniel Finkleman, a renowned filmmaker; Annita Soble, a popular visual artist; Alter Deitsch, head of content at TVR; Mush Kanner, art director of JLI; and Chaim Hershkowitz, CEO of Tovedoo.
“I’m looking forward to greeting, learning, and vibing with all my creative friends.” says the event’s host, Moishe Muchnik, creative director at Spotlight Design. Graphic designer Alizah Chekroun will MC the evening, infusing her flair, humor and passion.
Muchnik Arts, Spotlight Design, and Chevra Ahavas Yisroel invite you to the Visual Arts Hakhel Event.
The event will take place tomorrow: Wednesday, September 6 at 8:00 pm at Chevra Ahavas Yisroel, 306 Albany Avenue.
Reserve today to ensure your spot at this can’t-miss event!
$18 in advance, $36 at the door.
Wine + Light Refreshments
First 50 people to arrive will receive a copy of “HAKHEL: the Inside Story” from Basics of Chassidus series
VERY LIMITED SPOTS REMAINING http://bit.ly/visual-hakhel