Expanded Bus Service From Crown Heights to the Ohel for Shavuos

by CrownHeights.info

In honor of Shavuos, the Ohel Bus Service will be providing extra subsidized transportation round trip from Crown Heights to the Ohel from Tuesday, May 23rd to Sunday, May 28th.

Buses will leave from the Draidel (when Eastern Parkway will be closed buses will leave from Albany & Eastern Parkway corner), at a subsidized price of $7 round-trip or one-way.

For men, women and children, without registration.

Tuesday, 3rd Sivan

From Dreidel: 8:00am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm.

From Ohel: 9:45am, 1:45pm, 5:45pm, 8:45pm

Wednesday, 4th Sivan

From Dreidel: 8:00am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm.

From Ohel: 9:45am, 1:45pm, 5:45pm, 8:45pm

Thursday, 5th Sivan

From Dreidel: 8:00am, 12:00pm

From Ohel: 9:45am, 1:45pm

Thursday 5 Sivan ערב חג השבועות
Reservation required

From Dreidel: 6:15pm

Motzai Shabbos 7th Sivan – Reservation required

From Ohel: 9:50pm

Sunday, 8th Sivan

From Dreidel: 8:00am, 12:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm.

From Ohel: 9:45am, 1:45pm, 5:45pm, 8:45pm.

The Ohel Bus (under different management) leaves from daily 770 at 10:30am ($15), and departs the Ohel 45 minutes after arrival.

The daily bus to the ohel at 9:00am was brought forward to 8:00. Every day, every week, all year.

Leaving from the Dreidel: 8:00am and 7:00pm. Leaving from the Ohel: 9:45am, 20:45pm

To get WhatsApp updates on the Bus to the Ohel Click Here, to follow the Bus to the Ohel Status Click Here

For More information go to bustoohel.com. For contact, or to leave a comment, email bustoohel@gmail.com.

[לפני חג השבועות, תשמ”ה]
מענה לר’ מנחם נחום גערליצקי שהכניס את המודעה המזמינה לכינוס “כולל תפארת זקנים לוי יצחק” שיתקיים ביום חמישי ג’ סיון ב-770. במודעה נכתב בין השאר: “3:15 מנחה – כ”ק אדמו”ר שליט”א” (“בית חיינו” תשמ”ה (הב’) גליון 4 עמוד ז’):
כמפורסם מכמה שנים לפני חג השבועות מבקרים על הציון, ויזמין נואמים מתאימים. – מצו”ב לחלק להנ”ל לכאו”א שי’ שליחות מצוה – לצדקה.
[כ”ק אדמו”ר צירף 600 דולר].

(ליקוט מענות קודש תשמ”ה מענה ק”ע)