Popack Beis Medrash Dedicated in Oholei Torah’s Remsen Campus

Oholei Torah recently hosted a heartfelt dedication ceremony at its newly opened Popack Beis Medrash on the Remsen Mesivta Campus. The event honored the memory of Rabbi Yisroel Meir Popack, a”h, who served as the Head Shliach to the State of Colorado. 

The generous support of R’ Yoseph Yitzchok and Batsheva Popack, longstanding supporters and friends of Oholei Torah, made this dedication possible.

The ceremony, attended by family, friends, and members of the Oholei Torah Hanhola, commenced with a tour of the expansive campus and its impressive facilities, followed by the unveiling of the dedication plaque in the main foyer of the campus. During the dedication ceremony, Rabbi Moshe Silman, Menahel of the Mesivta, extended warm greetings and gratitude to the esteemed guests.

Rabbi Sholom Rosenfeld, Director of Oholei Torah, shared meaningful anecdotes about his father’s connection with the Popack family and then bestowed Birchas Kohanim upon the attendees. Rabbi Avremi Popack, Shliach to Long Beach, California, addressed the Mesivta bochurim, reflecting on his time as a student and the enduring positive impact that Oholei Torah has had on him. Rabbi Popack spoke on behalf of the siblings of Rabbi Yisroel M. Popack.

As a token of appreciation, Rabbi Nosson Blumes, Director of Development, presented Mr. Popack with a special copy of a unique answer from the Rebbe, pertaining to his grandfather, Reb Avrohom Popack, who served as the Gabbai of the Beis Medrash of 770. By hashgachah pratis, the dedication ceremony took place on Reb Avrohom Popack’s yahrtzeit. Rabbi Blumes acknowledged the Popack family’s long-standing lineage of Chassidim and their continued dedication as Shluchim and as supporters of the Rebbe’s institutions.

Expressing gratitude for the Popacks’ ongoing support as benefactors of Oholei Torah, Rabbi Blumes thanked them and emphasized the mossad’s vision for growth and future development, with their continued partnership.

The dedication ceremony also gave the young bochurim a deeper appreciation for the name their beis medrash carries, and for the hard work and effort that allowed the Mesivta to have such a beautiful new campus.

One Comment

  • Resident

    This is indeed an admirable contribution to the ruchnius of the boys but their physical welfare is in danger with the crime infested buildings that are around town……